Cara Membuat Video Di 3ds Max Dengan Kamera

The VRayPhysicalCamera uses real-world camera settings such as f-stop, focal length, and shutter speed to set up the virtual CG camera. It also makes it easier to use light sources with real-world illumination, such as with physical units or and.Note: In 3ds Max 2016, the VRayPhysicalCamera is not directly accessible through the menu. Instead, the new 3ds Max Physical camera type can be used. The documentation on the Max Physical camera can be accessed from Max's Help menu Autodesk 3ds Max Help.

And then searching for 'Physical Camera'. For more details, see below. Basic Parameterstype – Determines the type of the camera. This mostly has an effect on the motion blur effect produced by the camera.Still cam – Simulates a still photo camera with a regular shutter. Cinematic camera – Simulates a motion-picture camera with a circular shutter. Video camera – Simulates a shutter-less video camera with a CCD matrix.targeted – Specifies whether the camera has a target in the 3ds Max scene or gate (mm) – Specifies the horizontal size of the film gate in millimeters. Note that this setting takes into account the system units configuration to produce the correct result.

Vertical film gate size is calculated by accounting image aspect ratio (vertical film size = horizontal film size / aspect ratio).focal length (mm) – Specifies the equivalent focal length of the camera lens. This setting takes into account the system units configuration to produce the correct result.fov – When enabled, sets the field of view directly without having to set up the film gate and focal length.zoom factor – Specifies a zoom factor. Values greater than 1.0 zoom into the image; values smaller than 1.0 zoom out.

Cara Membuat Video Di 3ds Max Dengan Kamera

This is similar to a blow-up rendering of the image. For more information, see below.horizontal shift – Horizontally offsets the camera field of view as a fraction of the current view. For example, a value of 0.5 will offset the camera one-half of the current image width to the left.vertical shift – Vertically offsets the camera field of view as a fraction of the current view. For example, a value of 0.5 will offset the camera one-half of the current image height upwards.f-number – Determines the width of the camera aperture and, indirectly, exposure.

If the Exposure option is checked, changing the f-number will affect the image brightness. For more information, see distance – Specifies the distance to the camera target for a targeted camera.vertical tilt and horizontal tilt – Allows the simulation of tilt lenses for 2-point perspective. Changing these parameters is similar to applying a camera correction modifier. Use the Guess vert tilt and Guess horiz tilt buttons in order to achieve the 2-point perspective. For more information, see guess vert.

How To Set Camera Angle In 3ds Max


– When enabled, preserves the vertical tilt when the camera is being animated.specify focus – Specifies a focus distance different from the camera target distance.focus distance – If specify focus is enabled, specifies the distance at which objects are in focus.exposure – When enabled, the f-number, shutter speed, and film speed ( ISO) settings will affect the image brightness. For more information, see below.vignetting – When enabled, simulates the optical vignetting effect of real-world cameras. The strength of the vignetting effect can be specified, where 0.0 is no vignetting and 1.0 is normal vignetting. For more information, see below.white balance – Allows additional modification of the image output. Objects in the scene that have the specified color will appear white in the image.

3ds Max Student

Note that only the color hue is taken into consideration; the brightness of the color is ignored. There are several presets that can be used, most notably the Daylight preset for exterior scenes.

For more information, see below.shutter speed (s^-1) – Specifies the shutter speed, in inverse seconds, for the still photographic camera. For example, shutter speed of 1/30 s corresponds to a value of 30 for this parameter. For more information, see below.shutter angle (deg) – Specifies the shutter angle (in degrees) for the cinematic camera.shutter offset (deg) – Specifies the shutter offset (in degrees) for the cinematic camera.latency (s) – Specifies the CCD matrix latency, in seconds, for the video speed (ISO) – Determines the film power (i.e. Smaller values make the image darker, while larger values make it brighter. For more information, seebelow.Example: Zoom FactorThis parameter determines the zooming (In and Out) of the final image. It doesn't move the camera forward nor backwards.Exposure is on, f-number is 8.0, shutter speed is 60.0, film speed (ISO) is 200.0, vignetting is on, white balance is white.

Example: Exposure Control – f-number (f-stop)Note: All the images from the following examples are rendered using the and set with their default parameters.The f-number parameter controls the aperture size of the virtual camera. Lowering the f-number value increases the aperture size and so makes the image brighter since more light enters the camera. In reverse, increasing the f-number makes the image darker, as the aperture is closed. This parameter also determines the amount of the Depth of Field (DOF) effect.

See for more information.Exposure is on, shutter speed is 60.0, film speed (ISO) is 200, vignetting is on, white balance is white. Example: Exposure, Field of View and Focus DistanceThe focus distance of the physical camera (as specified by either the camera target distance or the focus distance parameter) affects the exposure of the image and the field of view for the camera, especially if the focus distance is close to the camera. This is an effect than can be observed with real-world cameras as demonstrated in the images below.The set up is a white board with a small black rectangle and a camera in front of it. Notice how changing the focus distance produces images with different brightness even though the illumination and all other camera parameters are the same in both cases.

Also notice the change in the field of view. Bokeh EffectsThese parameters control the bokeh effects when depth-of-field is enabled.blades – Defines the shape of the camera aperture. When disabled, a perfectly circular aperture is simulated. When enabled, a polygonal aperture is simulated, with the specified number of blades.rotation (deg) – Defines the rotation of the blades in bias – Defines a bias shape for the bokeh effects.


Positive values make the outer edge of the bokeh effects brighter; negative values make the center of the effect brighter.anisotropy – Allows stretching of the bokeh effect horizontally or vertically to simulate anamorphic lenses.optical vignetting – Controls the strength of the optical vignetting, also known as and cat's eye vignetting. This effect is due to the fact that the shape of the bokeh highlights resembles the shape of the aperture. As the distance to the optical axis increases, the bokeh highlights are progressively narrowed and begin to resemble the shape of a cat's eye. The larger the distance from the image center, the narrower the cat's eye becomes. Optical vignetting tends to be stronger in wide angle lenses and large aperture lenses, but the effect can be noticed with most photographic lenses.

Optical vignetting is currently very slow to calculate; it may introduce noise in the image that is difficult to clean.bitmap aperture – Enables the use of an image (specified in the field below) to control the aperture shape as well as any dirt or scratches that may affect the bokeh. White signifies transparent areas and black signifies opaque areas.affect exposure – When enabled, the bokeh effects will affect the overall exposure of the image.bitmap resolution – Specifies the resolution at which the texture will be sampled when calculating the bokeh effects.Sampling ParametersThese parameters control the sampli.