Fallout 4 Console Commands Complete Quest

Fallout 4 supports Console Commands and guess what we have the full list of Console Commands that players can use in the game including add item, teleport and setscale. Before moving on to the entire list I would like to up a note that Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's 'COC QASMOKE' console command also works in Fallout 4 and it give players access to a secret Dev Area QA having all consumable, weapons, scraps, weapons and many other things, you can check out our full coverage on it here.Here is the list of all working Fallout 4 console commands available right now (I will keep updating this post as soon as more console commands are discovered).

Fallout 4 Walkthrough


In order to activate or use any console command, you need to open console box, and this can be done using 'TILDE' key which is present '( right under the Escape key)'. Fallout 4 Console Commands Codes Index:.Console Commands:. caqs – Completes main story which will also complete the game for you.

coc LocationName - coc is used to teleport around other parts of the map like for example you enter 'coc RedRocketExt' (without the quotes) this will teleport you to Red Rocket Gas Station next to Sanctuary Hills. coc qasmoke – Teleports you to a room with boxes that has contained every single item in the game. help itemName int from 0 to 4 – Searches for item IDs, perk names, and even other commands. You can use the Use PageUp and PageDown keys to scroll through the console and get the Item ID like for example you enter 'help leather 0' (without the quotes) this will list everything - item IDs, perk names, and commands - with 'Leather' in the name. You can do same with the armor, legendary raider etc.

kill – Kill a selected target. kill insert ID – Kill an enemy who is marked on the same ID inputted. killall – Kill all NPCs in the immediate area, does not kill companions and story NPCs. player.additem item code Amount – Adds an item to your inventory with the number of how many items you want. player.setav variable amount - Sets actor values to a given amount for the S.P.E.C.I.A.L., skills, resistances, action points, health, etc. Remember that using setav will affect the perk chart and unlock new perks for the player to select from.

player.placeatme object code – Spawn an item or NPC nearby. player.setav speedmult insert number here – Increase your movement speed. Try changing it above 100 as Default speed is 100. player.setlevel insert number here – Increase your level to the number input. modav experience insert number here - This will level you up 'naturally'. As it is important to know that when you tried similar changes in Skyrim by directly setting your level to 50 or above will break some quests that were triggered on level up, and as Fallout 4 is built on the same engine so this could cause the same issue. resurrect insert ID – Resurrect enemy with the ID inputted.

set timescale to number – Speeds up or slows down the world environment. The default setting is 30. setgs fJumpHeightMin number – The higher the number the higher you jump. The default is 90.

setscale number from 1 to 10 – Increase the size of your target. sexchange – Obviously.

tai – Toggles NPC AI on / off. tcai – Toggle NPC combat AI on / off. tcl – No Clipping mode on / off. tdetect – Hidden from AI Detection. tfc – Enable free-roam camera. tgm – God Mode, infinite health, infinite ammo.

Fallout 4 Quest Id List

tim – Toggle Immortal Mode. Basically a lighter version of god mode which allows you to play normally without infinite ammo or being impervious to damage, but the only thing that doesn't change is you can't die. tm – Toggles menus and UI on / off (Mainly used for screenshots!).

tmm 1 – Show all map markers. unlock – Unlock the selected door or terminal. getav CAaffinity – Get Companion Affinity Level. setav CAaffinity – Sets Companion Affinity Level to an absolute value. modav CAaffinity – Modifies Companion Affinity Level by a relative value. sgtm value - Sets the game speed in real time. Audio will also adjust accordingly as to 0.5 is 50% speed and 2.0 is 200% speed.

csb - Clears blood off the screen, useful for screenshots while in combat. sisme - If set to 0 then it will disable all image space modifiers from even rendering at all.

The default is 1. slm - At the character creation process at the beginning by typing 'slm' you will get 'showlooksmenu' followed by their specific ID. WARNING: Use it only on human NPCs! Otherwise, your game will crash. resetAi – Type resetAi, click on the NPC you want to reset, press enter. player.setav 2dd 100 - gives you 100% crit chance. Default is 0. Blender download 32 bit.

Fallout 4 Complete Quest Code

player.setav 312 value - increases fire rate (Only for AUTOMATIC WEAPONS). Default is 0. Check out our full giving details on tips and tricks, how to guides, location of collectibles and many other things.Weather IDs:In order to change the weather, you must type 'fw ID', for example, 'fw 0002b52a' and enter.