Floppy Kid Syndrom Schaf

  1. Floppy Kid Syndrom Schaf Baby

I have a baby goat now 5 days old that I think has floppy kid syndrome.He seemed to be ok the 1st couple of days, but appeared lethargic, which I knew was not normal. We have had a lot of kids with selenium deficiency and I have him the newborn dosage for selenium with vit e. He was standing on his front hocks which we have seen in other baby goats.

However, he did not seem to get any better. I brought him into the house immediately.I noticed he was constipated and gave him about 1 cc of vegetable oil, and that cleared up his constipation immediately. His stools appear normal now. He can hold he head up, but is not walking or standing.

He was walking and standing when he was first born, but not now.He seems to be in pain with a low moan, especially every time he has a bowel movement. I started him on kefir yesterday and he seemed to rest easier last night and did not moan last night.


All of this seemed to be a digestive issue, however he did not overload on milk.His breathing seemed to be somewhat labored, so I started putting Breathe essential oil on him and that seems to help. I also mixed up oregano oil with coconut oil and put that on his hooves 2x a day to help if he had an infection.I found this website and the more I read I think he is suffering from floppy kid syndrome.I have now pulled milk, started him on baking soda mixed with water and am giving him electrolytes.Says to do this for 36 hours.I have leftover penicillin (the long acting kind) and a fortified vitamin B complex. This little guy cant be more than 10 lbs. My questions is: How much do I give him for injections and how often?

I read the symptoms of enterotoxemia and it does sound similiar.Marshall had a rough day yesterday. His little tummy seemed to be bloated or something, like he was not digesting, but I could still hear bowel sounds. I been giving him a water mixed with baking soda and that did not seem to help. I massaged his little tummy, and then started him on a regimen of Angle Maker Probiotic solution, with electrolytes and digestive enzymes.

Floppy Kid Syndrom Schaf Baby

(I read up about his stomach and the one stomach at this point in his life is just like ours.it produces digestive acids and digestive enzymes). I think the addition of the digestive enzymes has really helped him and there is no downside if his tummy is not digesting. Gave this to him by syringe, as often as he could tolerate it. Also am giving him 2 -3 cc of vegetable oil to help him eliminate.

Floppy kid syndrome schafer

He finally had a bowel movement this morning that was dry and he started peeing again late yesterday (that was probably because I cut his water intake down because of his tummy). His stomach seems to much better today and he is starting to tolerate 1 oz of liquid at a time (the same probiotics, electrolytes and digestive enzymes). He is also sleeping and resting better.Would the MOM do the same thing as vegetable oil (act as a laxative)?

I dont have any on hand because my husband in his infinite wisdom decided to substitute at the grocery store.UGH! Marshall is doing better today.

His bowels finally started to move and his little tummy is doing better. He is not moaning anymore and is resting better. He now making normal goat sounds.He likes the probiotic, electrolyte solution and drinks that readily. He certainly does not like the penicillin and fortified vit b complex. Doesn't fight me on it too much though.Still not standing on his own today.

He will put a little weight on his legs for about 10 seconds and then doesnt want to stand anymore. But that is better than it was 2 days ago when he did not want to even attempt it. So I see some strength coming back.Most of the time when I try to have him sit on his sternum, he really complains and screams. Maybe his little tummy still hurts sometimes. I keep on trying to put him on his sternum, but I certainly cant leave him that way when it is painful for him. And boy, does this little guy have a good set of lungs on him.I was wondering when I should start him on milk again. Click to expand.I have checked and I dont feel any broken bones.


It really seems to have something to do with his tummy. It seems strange, but every time I give him the MOM, his distress starts and his tummy seems full until I give him Vegetable oil. He then settles down and is comfortable and his tummy returns to normal.

I really dont have the funds to take him to the vet, as much as I would like to.I put him over my leg today and balanced him on his sternum to where both his front feet and back feet were on the floor and encouraged him to use his legs. I found the balancing point where he was comfortable and that seemed to work pretty well.He had a bowel movement when he was balanced on my leg and he always seems to yell when he has one. Click to expand.But he is on the mend. I was giving him digest zen before I figured out what was wrong with him and ran out. I acquired some more today and will restart that.Also started him on small amount of raw goats milk kefer - full of good probiotics to counteract the antibotics. He had a bowel movement this afternoon after I started giving him kefer, and it was the 1st bowel movement that he has had where he didn't scream in pain.

Dont know if I can attribute it to the kefer because that is the only change, but is a wonderful but strange coincidence.