Cravers Endless Space 2

Contains Examples Of:.: While many revere and honor the Endless, neither of the two Endless factions (Concrete and Virtual) were very good. They readily tampered with other races for their own ends, and almost destroyed the galaxy during their faction war. The Virtual Endless are the ones responsible for the creation and release of the, who were originally bio weapons.: It's possible to play most of the races like this, but special mention goes to the Unfallen, who have special abilities that allow them to end conflicts without firing a shot.

There's also an achievement for somehow winning a game without winning a space battle.: The Sophon storyline involves them thinking up an AI to run their empire named ENFER. Good news: The AI is pacifist! Bad news: It chooses to enforce pacifism rather violently. In the end, you can choose to completely wipe out ENFER, or to save a portion of it for later.: Earth is never at any point referenced or even hinted at in the game, and the human factions are not even referred to as such (the Imperials refer to themselves as Raians or Mezari, and the Vaulters refer to themselves as the Aurigans).

Note It's indicated that they are the descendants of the Mezari Empire, a human civilization that originated in the lost world of Mezan, but through unknown circumstances split up. Mezan was added to the game in the Celestial Worlds DLC.: Averted for most of the factions, as a player can potentially form alliances and deals with all of them (sans Cravers) and all are portrayed sympathetically to some degree. There are also members of every race in the Academy.

The Cravers themselves are a rather tragic deconstruction, because they were created by the Virtual Endless as, with their only purpose (and means of sustenance) being to destroy and devour other lifeforms. It is possible to get them to give up their, but it will inevitably lead to starvation, and they'd have to keep expanding.: The Riftborn come from an alternate dimension where form and thought are not separate. They are 'infected' by this universe and specifically by Dust when a star ship tears a hole in their universe. An expedition is sent through to this universe and they assume robot-like forms with floating segments while really being thought given form.: As noted both in the game and the tie in comics, Dust (essentially large colonies of nano machines) is extremely versatile, and capable of almost anything.

Endless space 2 cravers depleted planets

Its indicated that its now used as a form of galactic currency.: The Academy, mentioned in the first game, becomes a major part of the story of the game.: The ultimate goal of the Vodyani.

Endless Space 2 Cravers Tips

The Empire is theoretically under the control of a central monarchy. However, the rate of expansion means that the society cannot be ruled that way effectively. In fact, the systems of the colonial diaspora are colonized by the designated Corporations who work hand-in-hand with the Ministry of Investment and Development.

The Ministry of Security is involved as well, due to the need for native and/or alien pacification, security forces, defense or surveillance.With this somewhat decentralized setup, a certain level of regional autonomy is inevitable, and the various corporate system governors often cut corners when they can get away with it. That said, the central empire is far from powerless. A group of scientists and explorers, unhappy with the United Empire, hijacked a mission to an outer planet and set up an independent government. They refused the heavy corporate hand of the Empire, preferring to eke out their living on the edge of known space. Aided by the Sophons, this splinter group grew to become the Pilgrims.

Accustomed to orbital living and constant movement, during the early years of their development they had a proportionally greater contact and familiarity with artifacts and remnants left by the Endless. They have come to view the Endless in a religious light, and a goal of their society is to one day discover the planet from which the Endless originated.: The Pilgrims are introduced like this in the beginning of the game but players can pick any faction of their choosing right off the bat.

CraversCravers Endless Space 2

They can also be mistaken for antagonists between the United Empire.: In, they only appeared as a member of Minor Race (ironically, able to be absorbed into ) and a secondary citizen in Sophons. The latter is justified as Sophons has been instrumental in harboring them during their exile.: Pilgrim crafts are a mix-match between the Sophons and the Empire. Being long, curvy strips of metal covering thin ones on the inside.: The Pilgrims are composed of dissidents who want to escape the United Empires oppressive rule. Curious, analytical and inquisitive, the Sophons are a people who pride knowledge over all.

No theory — or machine — is so perfect that it can resist a bit of tinkering: advances come both in great leaps and tiny increments. The Sophons travel the galaxy driven by a thirst to discover and understand. As such, they view war as nothing more than a distraction from the serious things in life. However, with their advanced technologies, they can become a surprisingly dangerous foe.: Sophons are a foot shorter than human beings, are a as an entire species and has images that emphasizes their goofy antics in the sequel.: Their sequel variation are introduced in such a way that direct development of technologies is off means to defeating their enemies.: They see nor the anticipation of peace. A highly evolved form of a lowly species, these colorful beings come from an ocean world. Evolving slowly over millions of years with plenty of time to philosophize, it is not surprising that the Amoeba are diplomatic, cultural, and intellectual. Wise and urbane, they have an exceptionally high 'emotional intelligence' and are unusually open to other alien and intelligent species.

Their goal is to travel, meet, and learn, though their relatively defenseless natural form has bred into them the need to turn all situations to their advantage, and to be in control of their destiny. Though the Amoeba do not feel that their nature is to dominate and conquer, they can be viewed as warriors whose weapons are diplomacy and trade.: Became a minor faction in Endless Space 2.: Their main hat as a species.: Like its namesake.: Amoeba spaceships look more like sea creatures than vessels.: Probably a. A species who take to honest trade over war will more likely be a species of rather than.

Incredibly wealthy and only slightly less deranged, Horatio was an Imperial trillionaire who left to discover his own star cluster. Finding a planet sprinkled with labs of ancient cloning technology left by the Endless, the boredom soon drove Horatio to create a race of allies, servants, and slaves who were every bit as gorgeous as the most beautiful person in the universe — Horatio. Once the planet was repopulated, Horatio the First had only to look up, regard the stars and realize how much more beautiful they, too, would be if they were filled with. The rest, as they say, is history.: In the sequel, the Horatio has Gene Hunters, a unique trait that turns the members of other races of choice into Horatios, including the populations of conquered planets.: A dangerously effective example. The Sowers are a machine race created by the Virtual faction of the Endless. They took from their creators the mission to traverse the universe and make worlds livable and habitable for the arrival – or return – of the Endless. The Sowers come, establish industries, create the basic infrastructure needed to make a wild planet habitable, and move on to the next one.

The Sowers are neither hostile nor friendly; they are simply continuing their programming. Any world they arrive on will be harvested and advanced materials will be developed.

Any local populations or other peoples will be ignored — unless they get in the way or oppose the Sowers' holy mission.: The Sowers see nothing of interest to neither war or peace among factions, but instead enjoys watching planets grow under their own supervision and will only plow those who try to stop them.: In, the Sowers serve as this to, who are only attempting to terraform Auriga into a volcanic hellscape because their native volcano world was itself transformed by the Sowers into a lush green 'paradise'.: Sapent terraforming probes. They land, build a city (and more Sower robots) and bugger off to the next planet. Created by the Endless from an insectoid life form, the Cravers are in the purest sense hunter-gatherers and would never have evolved on their own the processes necessary to raise crops or domesticate animals. Their life cycle is based on consumption, and as such they are capable of digesting any form of plant or animal matter.

Once their home world was consumed, they left to seek further nourishment. If they do not continue to expand, discover, and exploit new worlds, their society could literally eat itself to death. Feeding the hive is their all-consuming purpose; the notions of 'treaty', 'trade', and 'peace' do not exist.: Cravers have a trait where you cannot negotiate nor cooperate with them that instigates peace other than the heroes you recruit who occur from their race.

Endless Space 2 Cravers Peace

The second game deconstructs this. The Cravers didn't choose to become this; they were created by the Virtual Endless to serve as, and they now have no other means of sustaining themselves.: Can be invoked at the start of their Endless Space 2 campaign, which involves dealing with a rogue Craver ship. The flavor text for choosing to capture the ship intact indicates the mere idea of Cravers killing each other is considered appalling.: They are no less but a lookalike of a human being with four arms and long legs. They also come without skin tissue that covers their.: They stand a few feet taller than the humans and are realistically more muscular in comparison.: For the Sophons. Cravers are a truly power hungry race that cares nothing more but their own survival, created by the Endless to serve their goal to consume the entire galaxy of life. Sophons are a race that thirst only to fulfill their curiosity even if it means risking their own lives, natural selection created them and serves to not just their allies but their own progression as a species.: The Cravers are commanded by their Queens who rule over the Hives.

However the day to day tasks and decisions are made by a sub group called Bishops who decide what they will do next. /: Devour all other biomass and resources on their planets, turning them into Depleted worlds. Their intro cutscene shows this happening in seconds.: The result of Craver-colonized planets is turning them into depleted version of it, producing little resources to the point that it becomes more of a burden than help.: Their cutscene shows them guzzling up all the resources on a planet within seconds. This is actually variable, depending on planet size but takes several turns (which are implied to be a year each in gameplay terms).: They were created by the Virtual Endless as living weapons in their war with the Concrete Endless.: As a gameplay trait, Cravers are meant to eat away factions as quickly as possible. If left out in peace, their economy will quickly collapse under its own weight.: In addition to the tropes and, the Cravers' additional two limbs are simply there to terrify their enemies.

The Automatons were created by a long-dead civilization known as the Reyans who perished many millennia ago due to the gradual self-destruction of their world. Decades of uncontrolled industrialization and technologies that relied on a highly toxic underground fuel caused irreversible damage to the ecosystem and atmosphere of their planet. Realizing that they were doomed, the Reyans attempted to build a massive fleet of migration ships to escape their planet, but most of the ships either exploded on launch, or stalled in the atmosphere and fell to the ground.

The Reyans despaired and so they decided to leave a legacy in the form of one of their greatest technological achievements, clockwork beings. Having a very old and proud history of clockwork, the Reyans had achieved the maximum potential of the technology in their creation of massive clockwork men to which they gifted all the traits of a young species.

Within a year of the creation of the clockwork men, the Reyans committed mass suicide so as not to suffer through the affects of a dying planet, leaving their greatest creations behind, alone, and lost.Over time the clockwork creations of the Reyans developed a simple society of their own and began exploiting the technologies left behind by their creators. All was well for the young civilization of machines until one day a large Endless ship crashed into the planet spreading the dust it was transporting all over the surface. The dust modified the machines, gave them enhanced abilities and over time even sentience. The deadly and toxic fuel that used to power the machines was also replaced, but strangely the new fuel became dust. In only a few weeks, the clockwork machines had evolved, become truly sentient, and gained new purpose in existence which was unheard of in even the most advanced AI’s created by the Endless. They came to call themselves, the Automatons and with the newly gained freedom of dust they began learning.

And advancing.The Automaton Civilization stayed on their planet, learning to live in a symbiotic relationship with nature as the planet healed over time. They used the knowledge of their creators and their new dust engines to produce massive floating ships on which they lived in order to protect the healing ecosystem on the planet from their involvement. Over the course of centuries the planet healed and the Automatons learned to live with and love nature while still developing immense industrial capacity and production within the hulls of their floating ships —which had also grown over time. But eventually the Automatons calculated that their dust supply would run out and their civilization would die, so they uncovered the old ruins of the crashed endless ship and began developing their own vehicles for space flight.: Their entire are composed of nothing more than turning gears and gyroscopes that emit blue and yellow auras which represent their lifeblood.: While they don't bear the high technology growth of the Sophons nor high productivity of the Sowers, the Automatons initially have toughers ships and can hold on to planets better than the other two factions. The Hissho are a modern and civilized people descended from avian DNA. However, they are avian in the way that many species of dinosaur had avian characteristics; in fact, they are not unlike feathered pterodactyls. A race of highly competitive tribal warriors, their history is one of bloodshed, conquest, vengeance and domination.

While this has created a very hardy, aggressive, and dangerous people, it has also slowed their advancement and limited their numbers. When they did reach the stars to find other peoples waiting for them, their reaction was to conquer and dominate. Dark souls 2 download pc completo. An ancient faction, the Vaulters have suffered a number of major setbacks in trying to establish a permanent home for themselves. Though characterized as restless wanderers, they are in fact a proud and adaptable race, seeking a system that they can finally call 'home.'

Their centuries of travel and tinkering have made them skilled at both science and warfare, though their greatest military strength is in defense.The Vaulters have an old tradition of appointing female leaders, and their trust in this tradition has been confirmed by the faction's uncanny ability to escape, survive, and live to fight another day. Once based on the planet Auriga, they left the planet when their predictions indicated potentially cataclysmic geo-atmospheric problems. Their attempts to colonize elsewhere have only had brief success, and the notion of a permanent base has gained an almost mythical status.The Vaulters were originally introduced in, and were later added into Endless Space via an update, which also added in the setting of Endless Legend, Auriga, as the Wonder known as the Husk of Knowledge.: Their prologue video shows a nonviolent example of this, as the massive Dust explosion seen in the New Beginning trailer was indeed in Auriga's orbit. It had disabled the Argosy's engines and effectively crippled the ship for millennia, the only thing keeping the Vaulters alive being Opbot and his, but even that ran out. Seconds before the Argosy drifted into an asteroid-belt-turned-Endless-regeneration field, which fully repaired the ship and saved them. Cue game start.: The Vaulters came along as a major update to the game, a few months after was released.: Their existence as a space-faring faction, and the presence of the Argosy, shows that the canonical ending of Endless Legend is that the Vaulters finished their questline and escaped Auriga before its destruction, although someone else restored the Grey Owl. A strange race of living crystals that predate even the Endless.

Convinced that Dust brings nothing but chaos and death, they have dedicated themselves to purging the galaxy of Dust, even if it means coming into conflict with other races.: To the Harmony, morality means nothing. In their eyes, you are either 'infected' with Dust, or not.: Nothing will stop them from pursuing their crusade against Dust, and they are more than willing to eradicate anyone who stands in their way.: They are the only faction that does not use Dust in any way.

This means that they cannot upgrade their ships after being built, buy out improvements, and do not use Heroes. In fact, the presence of Dust on their planets hurts their FIS until it is removed via a unique system improvement.: They fit the Aliens as Fundamentalists category. They view their mission to purge the galaxy of Dust as a holy crusade, and will not allow anything or anyone to stand in their way.The Endless Space 2 Factions. The Lumeris are a society that revolves around trade, economic deals, economic growth, and doing business. Expansion and acquisition are the bywords of their culture, and as an amphibious people they are prepared to make money in any environment.

Their society is organized around a series of families that have traditionally run different parts of their economy, and the balance of power and negotiations between the families is what drives progress - or blocks it.: Their Pacifist ideology being more towards their profit-minded nature rather than general benevolence.: While politicking and backstabbing are not uncommon, the Lumeris tend to avoid all-out war and aggressive maneuver. Above all, they limit their criminal activities when it comes to each other - 'don't steal the fish from another Lumeris' plate.' .: The Lumeris are descended from amphibian species on mostly ocean planet, as a result they gain bonus on atoll.: The entire faction revolves around the Four Families, which the FIDS game mechanic that handles the game's economy.: Their main trait being both dust bonus and ability to buy outposts. Hailing from an alternate dimension orthogonal to the Endless universe, the Riftborn would've happily led out their abstract, timeless existences entirely ignorant of galactic strife, were it not for a breach that precipitated a disaster of unimaginable proportions. Like a poisoned blade slashed deep into clean flesh, the rift acted as a source of terrible disorder in the Riftborn's pristine, geometrical universe. Desperate, unable to halt the disease's advance no matter what they tried, the Riftborn took the last available course of action that might lead to their survival: Together with their strange time-shifting abilities, they stepped into the Endless universe.: A rare abundant example.: To many races—particularly those hostile towards them—in Endless universe, they can come off as strange alien being from another dimension.: The Riftborn are essentially sentient mathematical concepts.

The dimension they hail from is an endless plane of white light and floating geometric shapes.: The Riftborns' unique trait, Time Sculptors, allows them to create Time Bubbles that accelerate, slow down or pause a Star system that are covered by the area of their influence.: By the end of their quest line, their home dimension has been so severely blighted that its uninhabitable for the them now, and the surviving Riftborn are forced to permanently settle in the Endless universe. The Unfallen are a beautiful, peace-loving race of sapient trees. The Unfallen have only ever known their homeworld of Koyasil, preferring to peaceably study what is near rather than discover what is far. They were content with this slow development that they refer to as the 'Long Sleep'—the period from their rise to sentience to the modern era. The modern era was rudely thrust upon them by a galactic skirmish in the skies above, and the debris it rained upon their planet. Seeing fire fall from the skies, and viewing the violence of other races firsthand changed their image of their role in the galaxy.

Having an intimate relationship with fire as both Fire-That-Destroys and Fire-That-Renews, they view themselves as guardians of peace and harmony in a galaxy that seems to be badly in need of both.: Pacifist/Diplomat/Loyal/Balanced. The Unfallen are the best faction in the game at playing the diplomacy game, because everyone wants to have them as allies. Half of their bonuses need them to be at peace with everyone, and increase when in an alliance. They include huge Approval boosts and bonuses to space and ground combat. As such, Unfallen need to make friends to be effective. However, they also can give Approval and Food bonuses to friendly systems once they're entwined, which builds up positive relationship modifiers with the AI to help with that goal. Their ships are focused more on Defense than Offense, and offensive wars have almost no use to them, since they can only gain ownership over systems that they've already entwined.: The Unfallen tower over other races, but are peaceful.: What the Unfallen were before encountering other races, and what constantly encourages them to be.

Their gamplay mechanics also encourage this - because they're slow to expand, the Unfallen will almost always be on the losing end of the colonization race and won't have the industrial base needed to support massive war fleets. Instead, their best defense is their ability to force peace treaties with other factions and apply massive amounts of diplomatic pressure using their vine system. They're also far and away the best race when it comes to using the Influence Conversion mechanic to peacefully purchase systems from other factions. /: The Unfallen are slow to expand, but even harder to dislodge. Their vine system gives them a colossal boost to their defensive manpower while also making their own worlds immune to influence conversion. The vine system also completely bypasses the spheres of influence used by other races and allows the Unfallen to slowly, but steadily, assimilate the galaxy by purchasing entwined systems from other factions regardless of how influential their worlds are.: Unfallen ships have hulls made of a twisting wood-like substance, and red leaf-like solar sails.: As essentially tree people, comes with the territory.

It's heavily implied in the Unfallen prologue trailer that they weren't even sapient before watching Imperial soldiers execute a Riftborn made them aware of death. 'Narration: 'Ignorant of other worlds, of other races.

We were even ignorant of ourselves.' .: Depending on the player's choices, they can build warships and are not afraid to use them when necessary.: Completing their lore quest reveals that The Heart, the entity responsible for granting the Unfallen their sapience, is actually one of the last surviving Lost.: Their secondary citizens, the Guardians, are unique that they can appear away from home systems and provide negative approval on enemies' controlled system and provide defense bonus when invaded.: The Heart, a massive tree which is the source of all Unfallen. The Unfallen expand their empire by expanding an aura of 'vines' which link one system to another.

Ends up being subverted if you choose the Science route during the main lore quest - it turns out that the giant tree is really just a tree, and the The Heart is actually an entity of pure Primordial Dust residing at the center of the planet. Victims of a classic cycle of over-industrialization, the Vodyani were saved by technology culled from ruins of the Virtual Endless. These precursors quickly gained an aura of divinity in the eyes of the Vodyani, and are now worshiped as gods. Clothed in their great black suits of borrowed technology that they refer to as their holy 'Cloth', Vodyani leaders pilot their great arks across the star lanes. The Vodyani seek other peoples to convert, control, and consume, as they survive through the simple expedience of draining other peoples of their life forces. While many view this as a grotesque, the Vodyani see themselves as 'chosen' by the Endless and deserving of their stature.

They are simply higher on the food chain than all other races, and that is that.: Elitist/Technical/Gimmick, with a dash of Loyalist. The Vodyani are few and far in between, and their population grow a lot slower than those of other factions. As such, Manpower is best spent on a few, elite ships, especially with Arks taking so much of it. However, their yields are bar none the best out of any pop in the game, and non-conditional to boot.

The Gimmick comes from their Essence mechanic, a sixth ressource that is earned by applying specific modules on Arks, leeching minor factions, sacrificing Dust, or any combination of the above, and is required to create new Arks to expand and to bypass the absymal growth of the Vodyani, as well as to create new Manpower. The Technical comes from their Arks, and all of the unconventional possibilities they bring (changing systems on a dime, huge module diversity for defense, offence, utility and system amelioration) as well as their management, unlike every other faction in the game. As for the Loyalist, they get a small boost to Approval as they are not affected by overcrowded planets, and being Elitist means less discontentment from too much pop working on unfavorable planets.: The entire species uploaded themselves into Virtual Endless technology after their home planet suffered from ecological catastrophe. They can also double up on this by with the of Virtual Endless, which they view as a mark of divine favor.: While Isyara is by no means benevolent when it comes to expanding the Vodyani's might across the stars, she is the Abel to Isyander's Cain to the Endless.

An ancient, immaterial creature from the depths of galactic space, the Umbral Choir roamed the cold, empty space, terribly alone until a great cry of anguish pierced the darkness. Shattering into a choir of echoes, the fractured creature sped towards the source of the space-and-time-rending wail - the Endless galaxy - seeking to salve that which was in pain.

Unbeknownst to the Choir, the cry marked the dying scream of the Endless civilization; and as it arrived, millennia later, new life was emerging from the remnants. Still wishing to give peace to any who suffer, the Umbral Choir will remain in the shadows, infiltrating and watching until it is ready to act.: Espionage Guerillas. The Umbral Choir place hidden colonies, hack other factions to spy on them and have all of their ships cloaked from eyesight at the start of the game.: Implied to be how the Choir creates their sleeper agents, and also implied to be unpleasant to whoever is on the receiving end.: Weird cloud ghosts with glowing bits? Check!.: Starting in control of a empty section of space instead of a solar system, the Umbral Choir do not colonise or make diplomacy like other factions.

Their gameplay revolves around staying hidden for as long as possible and subverting other factions to get ahead.: Part of a fractured hive mind, the Choir initially has trouble figuring out that the other species of the galaxy aren't like them, becoming upset and confused when people react to their attempts to make contact with horror. This is resolved early into the faction quest.: As mentioned above, their energy beings that take the form of formless, glowing clouds.Others in Endless Space 2. A race of six-armed humanoid marsupials, the Kalgeros are relatively primitive, and with a history of violence rooted in their natural strength and agility. As time went on and the civilization's conquests grew more destructive, they decided to channel the war-like instincts of their people into something more focused and constructive. They developed a unique fighting style called Mardamari, requiring six limbs to practice and so gained a sense of balance as a people. Led by spiritual warriors called Gunga who impart martial arts and morality, the Kalgeros are a Religious faction that provide a bonus to a star system's Approval.: Averted.

While a religious, almost zen-like people, the Kalgeros are not implied to be dogmatic or zealous.: Artwork suggests Mardamari involves these weapons.: This is their hat, though its not really reflected in gameplay. The founder of the Academy and the Heretic against the Vodyani, the main antagonist in Endless Space 2.: It's unclear whether the Vodyani or Isyander have a higher moral. But one thing for certain, if he manages to get what he wants, everyone in the galaxy would be 'wiped clean.' .: When he discovered the truth about the origins of Dust and the galactic genocide the Endless committed against the in order to harvest more of it, he abandoned his, freed as many as he could, and started a civil war that crippled the Vodyani for decades - all before leaving to found the Academy.: His conspirators and loyalists are made up of different races and cultures. This is also shared by the diversity of the Academy. /: A matter of perspective - Isyander sees himself as the former, since he now worships the 'true' gods of the galaxy, but his sister and the rest of the Vodyani see him as the latter.: He's willing to sacrifice all of the Dust in the galaxy in order to undo a 'grave injustice' committed long ago. Specifically, he wants to bring back the Lost, the galaxy's resident who were hunted to extinction by the Endless for their ability to naturally create organic Dust.

Isyander himself admits that he has no clue what the Lost will do to the galaxy if he succeeds in bringing them back.: His own views on the actions to erase Dust, even upon his death from Lode system's explosions if the sides opposing him wins.: Isyander is fully aware of how it causes people to become power-hungry over Dust and how self-destructive the major factions' intentions would do with it, and he will stop at nothing to clear everyone in the galaxy of their corrupted intents.: Like the, Isyander carries a inside him. It's hinted that this is the reason why he's able to survive without draining the essence from other sentient beings.

Cravers Endless Space 2 Game

The creators of dust, and the namesake species of the Enldess Universe.: They are responsible for the creation of both the Cravers and begins, and, if the Drakken are any indication, brainwashed other species into serving them.: At the same time, though, they did uplift the Drakken and make Dust readily available to everyone else, so they aren't all bad.: Dust - orangish particles that can be used for all kinds of purposes. Whilst it is used as currency in Endless Space and Endless Legend, it also acts as the basis for magic in the latter game, and is used to power rooms in. It can even be used as storage for.: A large amount of the wealthy Endless were able to use Dust to transfer their minds into computars and become immortal, taking on the title Virtual when doing so. As this costed a lot of money, only the wealthy could do so,.: Originally this - while there was a population of virtual endless alive on Auriga, they were heavily damaged from the Dust Wars and ultimately died out when the planet froze over.