Village Hidden In Rain

  1. Village Hidden In Rain Jacket
  2. Naruto Amegakure

Naruto is an ongoing Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. The plot tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, an adolescent ninja who constantly searches for recognition and aspires to become a Hokage, the ninja in his village that is acknowledged as the leader and the strongest of all. The series is based on a one-shot comic by Kishimoto that was published in the August 1997 issue of Akamaru Jump.Amegakure (Amegakure no Sato; Literally meaning 'Village Hidden in Rain') is a small yet highly industrialized hidden village located in an unnamed country. A number of smaller villages surround Amegakure.

As its name suggests, it rains almost constantly. Many shinobi from this village seem to wear a kind of mask that allows them to breathe underwater.

As Shiori dashed off in embarassment, Isuko found himself amused. 'If I go after her, I'll just make things worse. Isuko returned to his practice and training. “I have to get this down.

I have to be able to work in a team.” Isuko continued working, gradually becoming more comfortable with this new fighting style that he was creating. After finishing a particularly furious routine, Isuko decided he needed a break from training.

He placed the target dummy logs back into their proper places in the training field. Isuko headed back into the village. As he did so, he caught snippets of voices whispering excitedly. ”Did you hear Earth Country. Mist Seven Swords.” ”Someone in Earth Country has information about the Seven Swords of the Mist? This is exciting! I need to get permission to go searching for them.” Isuko quickly changed course and headed towards the assignment offices.

Oasis let out a sigh, so Hatsuma was agreeing with Itoku on this. Perhaps they were right. However she knew she was right about this, if you had the ability to help someone, then it was your duty to help them. That sounds like a good idea Hatsuma, we should claim a sword, no. One each, cause I totally want a neato sword.' She states with a grin on her face more or less forgetting about the inactive weapon she had stowed away in her possessions.

Oasis now sitting still in the seat was able to take note of the movement of the vehicle and she let out a groan leaning forward in the seat. 'I think I'd rather be fighting some more bandits.' She groaned as her lack of motion, and the vehicles particular brand of motion set off her sensitive senses, making her motion sickness kick in.

She rocked her head back as she heard a light 'splish' outside of the vehicle as one of its tires an through a short puddle of water. '.theres more water outside.' Oasis moaned lightly as she stared at the floor of the vehicle, now rather wanting it to stop moving already. 'You need to listen to your friend Oasis.' Itoku states as the environment changed around them he seemed to have relaxed a little bit, perhaps there was a bit more danger on the route they were on than Oasis had been aware of. 'Yes, the weapons you heard about in the village, are the seven legendary swords of mist country. They don't have anything to do with our swords per say.'

Itoku states as a light pattering of rain began to fall on the vehicle, he threw a hand over his head for a moment before an invisible wall formed above him in the shape of a semi-sphere making the water simply cascade down around him instead of onto him. 'Once again your partner is correct Oasis. We will be going to gather information.' He states as he turned back onto a more obvious path removing some of the rough from the passage. Oasis let out a groan as the vehicle changed direction however she remained quiet, she had said her peace and right now just wanted off of this contraption. Takera crossed with Zeru over into Rain Country from the border leaving Drake to his own goals and tasks.

Takera stretched his arms and walked down the now increasingly muddy path. He wasn't looking forward to the rough trip through Rain, but he wanted to put this all behind him and get back to the village where he could be re-confirmed to be a Mist Ninja. From there he'd just relax for a little while and then prepare for a trip to Snow to find the sword.

Takera turned to look back at Zeru. ' What are your plans once we get back to Kirigakure?' Takera asked. Takera turned his head to look back at Zeru while continuing to walk forward down the muddy path. He knew why they called it Rain Country. It continued to pour down over them with no end in sight, but they continued to walk along the path. Takera came to stop a good ways down the path before they reached a small village.

He extended his arm out opening his hand and letting the rain land in the palm of his hand. The water was rather interesting in it's own way. Takera's element was wind and as such he could use the force of the wind to slow down or even stop moving objects, make objects move, increase his own speed, and even cut through even the toughest of materials. Water however, was different. It, like the other elements could be used many ways, but the way it could be applied was different than wind. Thinking about it, he wandered if it was possible to take on another element. So much stuff had happened to his brother and himself over such a short time, but there was certainly one truth.

They both got much stronger than they were when I first left the Water Country on their first mission. Takera closed his palm and let his arm fall back to his side casually. After a while they reached a small village where they rested for a short while and stocked up on supplies. Takera walked along the stalls of produce and other goods.

He picked up a few different fruits and managed to procure a couple loaves of bread and plenty of fresh drinking water. After stocking up on the necessary travel goods, he looked for a place they could spend the night. He wandered across an Inn. ' This place should be fine for now.

We'll head out first thing in the morning.' Takera walked in with Zeru and acquired a room with 2 beds and the basic needs. Night fell and the inn became dark. Takera laid there wondering about the two elements Wind and Water.

His mind wrapped around the idea that it may also be possible to combine them to create amazing things. Just then a memory flashed through Takera's mind of the ice playground that formed under their feet back in the fight with Sai and Sorain. It was definitely a Water element that tied itself to that jutsu, but there was more at work. Water alone couldn't freeze itself. He thought about it for a while.

I'll just have to find the files on Sai and Sorain that they have back in Kirigakure once this whole mess is over. Takera laid staring at the ceiling of the room before his eyes began to close.

Takera drifted off into sleep. Current Lines: 35 Total Lines: 35.Dream Sequence.

Village hidden in rain lyrics

Takera rustled in his sleep. What some would call a dream, he would call a nightmare. In Takera's nightmare himself standing in the field of war and destruction. Facing down impossible odds against creatures of his wildest imagination. There with him were Zeru, Kyu, Novvus, Hibiki, and Takera stood atop a hillside overlooking the combat as the rest of them were panicing. Suddenly Takera stood forth.

PREPARE YOUR BREAKFASTS AND EAT HARDY!.FOR TONIGHT. Takera pulls forth a mini machine gun and begins to fire into the mass of enemies.

' RRRAAAAAAAAHHHRRRR!' Takera destroys many of the enemy creatures with a spray of bullets. Suddenly amidst the fighting one of the creatures arose from behind him grabbing firmly onto his a. Takera dropped the machine gun suddenly. ' ZERU!.MY BUTTOX!MY BUTTOOOX!'

Takera screamed in terror. ' YOUR BUNS ARE MINE, TAKERA!' The creature said in Sorain's voice as it squeezed harder and made an odd squid-tentacle like face at Takera.The creature oddly yet strongly resembled Sorain if he had been turned into one of the creatures.Dream Sequence. Takera lept up from his bed sweating profusely. Quickly he scrambled over to Zeru's bed and began to shake him. ' WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE MY BUTTOX, ZERU?!' Takera screamed at Zeru with a face of horror.

After a moment Takera sat back. Light was visible through the two windows in the room.

It was now morning. Takera released a sigh of relief before standing up and walking into the bathroom to shower and get ready for their travels. After re-emerging from the bathroom he rubbed his head with his towel and then tossed it aside. Takera walked over to the pile of clothing next to his bed and and pulled forth the pants and shirt, slowly putting everything on step by step. Finally he slipped his shoes on and placed his coat on over his vest, clipping it together. It was time to take leave of this village and make their way towards Wind once more. Thinking back on the nightmare Takera's head shook in confusion and a chill went down his spine.

Current Lines: 25 Total Lines: 60. Zeru was woken up by Takera’s hands shaking him and Yelling about his Buttox, Zeru was confused because Takera had always told him to stay away from his behind, so when he was getting yelled at for not doing something with his brother’s Butt he found himself even more lost and confused then Takera walked out of the room Zeru shrugged and got dressed. Once they had both gotten ready Zeru took the lead. Heading towards Wind country, Zeru was excited to get to the land of sand and out of this ready miserable country. Zeru lead the way leaping through the few mountains Rain country had and waiting on his brother to catch up.

moving to Rain-Wind travel thread. Feeling groggy and disoriented Koji sat slumped over within a small confined box, or was it a cage? As far as he was concerned he was being treated as nothing more than a domesticated work animal, and no longer had a will of his own. 'I wonder how much longer I can endure all of this, it feels like its been months since they got me but I can't really be sure.' Koji thought to himself as he tried to move slightly but found it hard to as the restraints that were placed upon his hands and ankles were tight enough to restrict excessive movement but not cut off circulation to his appendages. At the same time the chains in between each of the cuffs made it hard to move without falling over himself, especially when it came to standing. 'Well lookey here, the fat a.

is starting to move again, wonder if we will finally be able to sell him off here in Rain.' Said a strange looking and weathered man who brought his face down to the same level as Koji's cage. 'Freakin useless shinobi, your barely good enough for us to want to train you and you won't even fetch us a good enough price as a slave. If we don't make a profit off of you soon we are just going to have to cut our losses.' The man said with a sick grin. Clearing his throat he then collected a good bit of saliva and spat on Koji who simply sat there with a dull look upon his face. Now standing the man walked away, his foot steps becoming more and more distant to Koji's ears until finally he heard a door slam and then nothing.


'Good, either they'll kill me or I get to become a slave, but as it is no one will risk buying me because I can get away, but as I am now I can't do anything.' Koji thought to himself, not even attempting to rub the spit from his face as he sat there, stewing in his own brain trying to find a way out of his current situation like he had been for months now.

Saikoro hummed happily to himself as he rested on his back, a supplies pack positioned conveniently as a neck rest for him as he held up two sheathed swords up into the rainy sky above him. The gloomy background and patter of rain around him somehow had no affect on him as his eyes simply continued to gaze on at the two treasures he had in his hands. Somehow the new weapons had become all that he could focus on, his thoughts wrapped completely around how detailed carvings around the handle of one blade that spun a beautiful, tranquil design while the other was more roughly designed with a tough grip of wrapped ropes. Each hilt was constructed differently, one was rounded and the other square, one of light brown wood as the other was dark brown, and yet the weapons were to be brothers. Their sheathes were the only constant between the two as they were both were adorned with the marking of a butterfly at the top most part before jugging out with with a interlocked framework that was fashioned to hook onto a back holster, the rest of the sheath covered in wraps. It was Saikoro's love for his new blades that made him ignore the rain that pattered around him, the sound of cages and cries being moved around him, the sound of a cargo vehicle being loaded up, and the sudden movement of ground beneath him as he so happened to be laying upon a vehicle that carried a dozen slaves off for shipment to Fire Country.

Exiting to Rain Fire. Once officially inside of Rain Country, Notwen hurried into a roadside store. There he bought a rain coat and water-proofing for his pack. After a quick meal outside, he hurried to catch up with the stranger.

The man's consciousness had gathered speed all of a sudden and vanished further southeast. ' I'm not sure how effective this technique will be in the rain, but let's see how far i can go.' Said the dark-skinned blonde, weaving a few hand seals. Leaping into the air, he released a fire stream from the soles of his feet. Concentrating the flames to the point that they created thrust, Notwen refined the shape of the streams and made them take a teardrop shape that added stability to his flight.

He hovered for about a minute before he was sure that he could handle the weight, then propelled himself southeast towards Fire Country. Moving to Rain - Fire Travel. 'What a show-off! An ostentatious b.d!' The loud-mouthed Inuzuka bellowed in the down pouring rain. 'You know, maybe you should be a bit thankful.' Kuro meekly murmured, shivering slightly in the colder climate.

Thanks to the synchronization jutsu still in effect, he let himself drift off, as he knew Hibiki was about to cut him off with his counterargument. 'Thankful for what? Bringing us along to witness him complete a mission practically solo? What do you think about that kind of s.t, Kyo?' His agitation was practically making the rain come off of him like steam.

It was only hours ago that Saikoro tackled their target and grappled him to the ground effortlessly. After a very brief moment, he ripped out Shifune's eye and gave it to Kira to complete their mission, leaving the two Mist Genin to wonder about aimlessly. The only thing important he had mentioned after that was something about a rumor in The Hidden Rain Village regarding the Seven Mist Swordsmen.

It was a crucial part of the Mist Academy's History Shinobi class to touch upon The Seven Mist Swordsmen. Depending on the Sensei, they reveled in the glory or were disgusted about the subject, so it was a very opinionated subject in Mist. Many frowned on the large majority of defects, while others loved their aura of power they gave off. Hearing a rumor about the so-called lost swords was impossible to ignore.

If someone owned one of them, they would probably be a very strong Shinobi. If I were to get my hands on one of them, I would be strong. Stronger than my brothers I suppose.

Hibiki thought, glancing over at Kuro. The pseudo-human shook his head, showing disappointment at the Inuzuka's thought. Hibiki mouthed 'what?' Before turning back to Kyo, 'So, the seven swords. Do you think Kiri would be proud if we brought them back? I'm not saying we can do it, but wouldn't that be cool?' He mused, throwing his hands in the air like a child.

As he did so, droplets of water were sprayed everywhere, but they were not seen in the almost constant stream of water from the heavens. Kuro sighed as he hugged himself.

He was shivering in constant convulsions. Not used to having no protective fur, eh? Hibiki teased the vulpine mentally. A small growl was thrown back towards him. 'Maybe we should find somewhere to stay til the rain lets up a little?' He whined, more to Kyo then his obnoxious Inuzukan friend. A crack of thunder erupted from the sky.

Where there was just a light drizzle before, there was a torrential downpour now. Kyu popped on his previously bought rice hat, shielding his spiked fin of blue-black hair from the pouring rain. Kyu's Inuzaka friend was screaming into the rain, obviously not amused with the outcome of the mission.

As the boy stomped about, his transformed companion attempted to cool down his blistering rage. Kyu was disappointed as well. Not only was his leadership trumped by Saikoro's, but every skill in Kyu's arsenal was shown up by someone else. Saikoro had that covered. Both Hibiki and Kira's skills were vastly superior.

Saikoro took that one away too. Kyu didn't even know how to quickly heal a wound, never mind be the crutch of the team. It was a bit of a waking moment for him. Never, in the history of his ninja career, had he been shown up in any and every department. Kyu leaned against a large stone at the side of the road, and shook his head. He wanted to be as red faced and pissed off as Hibiki, but didn't have the passion for it at the moment. 'Bro, just calm the.

down. I wouldn't doubt he brought us just for that reason, the b.d. However, I'm not mad.

I'm mad at myself, bro. As far as that four-man team went, I was about as useless as the kunai bags I got for you. I just came along for the ride.'

Kyu shifted his hat with his left hand, and looked at the ground, 'We need to find our place in the village. Being second-rate isn't excusable, not for me.'

There was a silence for a moment, and Hibiki seemed to be pondering something. The boy's dog shook his head in disgust, and Hibiki responded with exasperated silent words.

The dog-boy then took on a temperament that simply seemed more Hibiki-esque. Arms in the air excitedly, he entertained the idea of collecting a few of the legendary Seven Swords of the Mist. Kyu nodded his head, and grinned, 'Good call, bro. We'll go after the swords.' Kyu held out his hand, and imagined holding any one of the seven mythic blades in his hands.

He grinned, and said, 'Kuro, sniff us out the seediest bar in town. We're visiting there first.' Hibiki thought over and over in his head. Their place in society. Their place in the pack. Between the three of them, Kyo was the obvious leader, however, when it comes to the village, they were just mediocre Genin.

Kuro tilted his head to the side as Kyo asked for the most obscure bar in town. He was on the verge of questioning the order, but then he made a connection.

Pubs, bars, inns, they always had a rumor flying about somewhere due to the many people that came and went using their services. The original publisher of the rumor would leave, but the word of mouth stayed right there while it sat and simmered. 'Sounds good.' Kuro broke the Man-Beast Clone and returned to his original canine self. His ears perked up and his nose stayed low to the ground as they entered the highly-industrailized city. Hibiki stared up in wonder, or as much he could stare up at since it was still a torrential down pour. The city itself was small, but everything was a lot more advanced than most.

Although, it could be him so used to the destruction and rebuilding of Kiri that everything seemed so far ahead in time. Kuro yipped as he turned into a dank alleyway.

He paused for a second at the mouth of it, before darting forward, with another yip. 'It's just ahead.' Hibiki called over the constant sound of the rain as he kept pace with the small fox. As they had predicted, at the end of the alleyway was a pub. The most sleazy one he could have sniffed out. Neon signs, the smell of alcohol, and heavily intoxicated and slutty women were all present and accounted for. There was a boom of laughter that would escape the entrance periodically, a sign that it was packed.

A murmur that mimed the sound of the rain replaced each wave of laughter as it came and went. Kuro sat down on his haunches as he eyed the place.

Hibiki felt queasy as another rumble of laughter rippled through the building. The wild Inuzuka politely whined, bowing and motioning towards the entrance of the dump. Kyu pushed open the door. A small bell dangling from above signaled their entrance, however, it was unheard over the beer-touched lyrics coming from the performer and the rowdy laughing crowd. Kyu entered the busy bar, and scanned the room for someone who looked as though they'd have the information Kyu sought.

He analyzed the people, and could gather that there were three major groups of people from the bar. The first group were the tired, masculine men who were celebrating a long-day's work at the bar with their friends and co-workers. Rowdy and loud, they cheered, hiccuped, and belched happily. The second group were the sleazy, shameless women who flaunted their wears, looking for a fine tip for the night. There were more of these women than were asked for, but those without immediant clients hung around the men, looking to snag a man for the night. Some of them had the job of a waitress in the meantime, and took orders from tables around the tavern.

The third group belonged to the neither working men or 'working' women, but seemed to be travelers, warriors, or ninja looking for something besides the bar atmosphere. Kyu automatically found his place in this bar, and walked over to an empty seat at an empty table. Kyu reclined back in his seat, and glanced aorund, thinking, Who to ask. There was a man who looked tired and weary. Kyu's first impression was that he was a trader of sorts. The likeliness of him knowing where the swords were was small. In the corner of the room was a man dressed in all black, with black hair, limp over a table covered in shot glasses.

Guess I'm not asking him. There were two people at a nearby table who were whispering excitedly to each other over a pair of drinks. Their faces were covered by hoods, but from what little he could see, one was female and the other male.

Even through noise, Kyu could hear their gossiping. He heard a few choice words as his friend took his seat. Kyu thought about approaching them, but his movement was cut off when someone approached the table. She was a woman, dressed in showy waitress attire.

Village Hidden In Rain Jacket

Her face was flushed, and she slammed a light menu on the table and pulled out a small well-used notebook. 'What would you like gentlemen?' She said rather reluctantly, with a frown. She was a pretty woman, looking about twenty eight, with medium length, straw-colored hair, and a delicate face with bright blue eyes.

Her eyes looked over the fish man, the dog boy, and the accompanying fox, and she muttered, ' You seem a bit young for a place like thi-' There was a loud smack from behind her, and the roaring laughs of a table of drunkards. The woman's face turned bright red, and she gritted her teeth in rage. She looked ready to explode. Kyu smiled warmly, and motioned her to stand between them and the whispering pair, where she'd be less likely to be groped or slapped. She quickly moved to the side, and repeated, still fuming from before, 'Like I was saying, you two seem a bit young for this place. And you're not from around here, are you?' Her eyes darted to their headbands, and she looked at them cautiously and hatefully.

She didn't seem to like shinobi, men, or even foreigners for that matter. As Kyo was heading towards the door, Hibiki stood straight up again and looked down towards his Ninsune. 'You might want to do Man-Beast Clone. We can trust people in Mist, but out here you might be someone's chow or fur coat.' Kuro nodded and used the aforementioned jutsu, before the two of them jogged to catch up to Kyo. Almost instantaneously, the pungent odor of alcohol assaulted the Vulpine duo's nose. They gritted their teeth.

As if that wasn't bad enough, their ears began to rang like cathedral bells as all the sounds in the bar intertwined. Guffawing from the males, shrill screeches from the women, whispers, shouts, drunken rambles, and that's without honing their senses.

This over stimulation caused Hibiki to become extremely irritable. But it wasn't just the corruption of his senses, but his attitude towards alcohol was not helping at all.

He grew up with his parents, who were terrible alcoholics, so seeing a crowded bar full of the same type of people made his anger flare up like a flash fire. Their inconsiderate behavior and the lack of concern made him furious. However, he decided that the best course of action was to just stay silent and let Kyo handle any sort of social interaction.

He followed the fish man's gaze to the two cloaked people in the corner, who didn't look like they were here for a social drink or for some good times with one of the other employees or consumers. The Inuzuka couldn't zone in on their conversation, since the obnoxious drunks around the place polluted his senses with their moronic banter. Hibiki and Kuro followed Kyo to his table after a moment, his anger apparent on his young face. Now the smell was not just alcohol. It now created a maelstrom of scents as it mixed in with the body odor of the surrounding men and the cheap perfume worn by the harlots.

Sushi-kun was about to make some type of movement, but was quickly interrupted by a pretty barmaid. She was going to take their order, but a quick scan of our bodies prompted her to remark about our age. However, it seems some drunkard decided to satisfy some lust by a smack to her fanny. A growl erupted from the Inuzuka's throat as his fox friend put a hand on his shoulder, telling him to indirectly to calm down. 'And you seem like you could use a little more respect from your customers. Do you really let them get away with that?' He questioned with a gruff voice.

Hibiki felt more annoyed by the actions of the males in the bar, then the hatred that scorched from the waitresses eyes. The waitress gritted her teeth, and walked away from the roaring table. She didn't look at Kyu, Hibiki, or Kuro, but answered his question.

The way she said it was odd; it didn't seem directed at the ninija, but more of a reminder or answer to her own doubts. Under her breath, she mumbled the words, 'I don't have any other choice.'

Fire burned in her eyes, like before. However, in this moment, it wasn't a wrathful flame, it was more like smoldering match left out in the rain.

A fire that needed fuel, and needed shelter from the storm. From another table, a booming voice roared over the bar, 'Ey! We could use another round of beers over here!'

Next to the yelling man was another, who smacked his mug on the table, adding in his own call, 'And bring us some chips and some of that sweet a. of yours.' The waitress's eyes looked angrily to the side, she growl-mumbled something inaudible, then concentrated on the boys again, 'Are 'ya going to order or what?!' Kyu glared at the womanizing men at the other table, then refocused his beady eyes on Sango. His eyes softened, and he smiled, 'Sango, that's a beautiful name, miss. It means 'Coral' if I'm correct.

Easy games to mod. And if you’re all about that Nile Valley life, it improves food placement along rivers running through desert tiles as well. In addition to adding more coastal detail to replicate all those little coves, bays, and fjords we expect to see on a globe, it also makes the placement and size of deserts, rainforests, and marshes much more true-to-life. Check out the mod's for versions that are compatible with all of Civ 6's expansions. MAPSDetailed WorldsGraphics mods can make certain things look more realistic, but if you want the world layout itself to feel a bit less game-y, this is the mod for you. The rescales units to make them a little more like miniatures, a little less like cartoon giants stomping over the hills.

They're like the flowers of the sea you know, bright and vibrant, full of life. Truly magnificent.'

He gazed into the woman's cold, seething eyes with incredible warmth. 'That's not a drink, kid.

What the hell do you want?' Sango growled. Her hands gripped her pencil and notepad tightly, and her teeth grinded together. Every golden hair on her head went on end when the fish-man's hand touched her own, 'Please,' he said, staring into her eyes, 'Take a seat.

Village Hidden In Rain

I just would like to talk for a few minutes, nothing more.' The waitress retracted her hand quickly, 'You're really starting to tick me off, kid. Just order a damn drink!' Kyu grinned mischieviously, and said, 'All I want to do is have a chat, sis.

However, if I simply have to order, I'll have a Coral Reef and a Safe Sex on the Beach.' He gave the waitress a wink, and slapped some coins onto the table cockily. The veins on her temples looked ready to jump off her head, and her right eye twitched with a rage so great, one could call it demonic. Her notepad-grasping hand reared back. She shrieked at the sushi-ninja, 'I'm not going to take that from any man, especially not from a. ninja!'

She swung downwards with her open hand like the head of a golf club hitting a ball. Her hand connected with Kyu's face. It snapped sideways from the unbridled power of her slap, and nearly sent him flying off his seat. Kyu hung limp for a moment, and sat up, 'Thanks sis, I deserved that.' However, his high-volume voice carried across the room unhindered.

All was silent in the room; the boy looked around to see most of the men in the bar looking his way. Some looked scared, others delighted. A booming voice came from the bar, 'SANGO, DID I HEAR WHAT I THOUGHT I HEARD?!' From a pair of double doors near the bar bursted in a huge man, adorned in fine clothing and jewels. He towered over everyone in the room, and it suddenly became apparent that the high roof of the place wasn't just a design feature, it was made just for him. He ducked his head beneath an overhang, and walked between the tables with enough grace that even in the crowded room, he had no problem traversing it. He stood over Kyu's table, glaring at the waitress, who's mood was signifigantly different.

Instead of searing rage, she was terrified at the man overshadowing her thin frame. 'I TOLD YOU LAST TIME,' he roared, 'IF YOU HIT ANOTHER CUSTOMER, I'D KICK YOU OUT. The massive gentleman turned towards his patrons, practically snorting smoke from his beast-like nose. , he questioned the room. Intimidated as well as Sango was, they nodded and pointed at her trembling figure. The monsterous businessman held up his hand, and pointed to the door, 'GET THE HELL OUT, YOU'RE FIR-' Kyu held up his hands in a T-Shape, and laughed, 'Hold on, bro. I think we have a misunderstanding.'

The man's bull-like eyes changed their target to the blue skinned boy with the reddish-purple hand-print on his face. Kyu held up a small coinpurse, and said, 'I heard there was a fiesty woman in these parts. I came miles just to get to meet her, and to have her give me a good whollop. Isn't that right Sango?' Both the waitress and the manager looked shocked.

Strike that, everyone in the bar was shocked. Sango shook her head at the barkeeper, who responded with a blank stare, 'No, no. It wasn't anything like that.

Kyu laughed, 'Nonesense Sango! Don't be bashful.

I mean, you even accepted the money on the table, didn't ya?' The boss picked up a coin, and nodded devilishly. Sango's face went red, 'No, he's lying! He said he wanted drinks. That's what the money's for, really! I'm not that kind of girl!' Kyu reclined in his seat, and grinned, 'I'm one-hundred percent sober, and under the age to drink.

I'm here for you babe. I think I've paid for at least one more hit.' Sango smiled menacingly, and said with teeth shut tight, 'You want to get hit again, do you?' She reared back her other hand and delivered another jaw shattering hit to the cheek. Kyu could have sworn that the swing temporarily broke the sound-barrier. How else could the force of this hit made the ninja lose his balance and almost fall off his chair!? The entire bar winced as blue ninja fell sideways, then sprung back up, grinning, 'That was a good one; again?'

The waitress rolled back her sleeve, and clenched her fist, 'I swear kid, I'm gonna. kill you!' She pulled back her arm, but it was caught by the barkeep. He shook his head, and pointed upstairs, signalling that they should get a room, so to speak.

Sango's face turned ruby red. Her jaw dropped and she shook her head in disbelief. The manager stared at Kyu, bewildered and confused. It was apparent that he'd never seen anything like that before today, and it had affected him, shaking some of his beliefs. He turned around, and began to walk through the huddled chairs and tables agian, like nothing happened at all. As he walked he lit up a cigarette, and mumbled, 'Jeez.

He stopped looked back, and said, 'You can keep your job Sango. He looked at a nearby wench, and snapped his fingers a few times. His befuddled brain was having trouble remembering the woman's name, 'Soko. Bring me a bottle of brandy.' As the barkeep left the bar, the entire room began to stir again. Whispers like 'What a freak.'

, 'Who ever knew Sango could hit like that', 'That fish guy into that? No wonder's he's a ninja, he just loves the pain.'

, and 'I didn't even know perverts like that really existed.' Drifted and bubbled up from the bar. It soon became a dull roar again. Kyu looked up at the girl again, and motioned towards a seat with one hand.

With his other hand, he rubbed his purpled fishy cheeks, 'You owe me, sis. I simply wanted to talk, but it looks like I preserved your job instead.' The angry, bewildered woman took a seat. Judging by her expression, if she could shoot lasers from her eyes, Kyu would have been a smoldering pile of ashes by now.

'I hope you're happy, a.e. You've managed to embarass me in front of the entire bar, almost cost me my job, all just so can talk to me? What the hell is your problem?!' Kyu slid some more cash onto the table, 'I need some information, Sango. You're a waitress, a smart one, I can tell. You've likely heard a lot of stories from the travelers here.' Kyu rubbed the sides of his mouth, and winced, 'Hibiki, if you could elaborate?

I'm going to go get some ice for these bruises.' Kyu stood up, and wandered away from the table, and up to the bar. The response by the waitress made the Vulpine duo's eyebrows raise in unison. They both thought, exchanging a quick glance. Whatever thought they were trying to tell each other, it was overridden by the booming sounds of the drunken men surrounding another table.

Naruto Amegakure

The sound made Hibiki's ears ring as he glared at the men. Kuro placed a hand on his shoulder, the universal sign of 'do anything and I'll stop you' between the two. It was hard enough to try and keep all concentration with all the voices and taunts being thrown around, but Hibiki was sure his comrade was trying to milk information from her. He apparently took it too far as he made some snide sexual innuendo and slapped some ryo on the table. The Inuzuka froze, he wasn't planning on his friend coming here looking for some cheap floozy!

Of course, it was probably part of some elaborate plan. Then she screeched like some ungodly owl and smacked Kyo with such a force he fell off his own chair.

Hibiki sprang towards her, but was tackled to the floor by his own ally. Kuro sharply hissed as he struggled to keep the Inuzuka under control. The two wrestled around, Hibiki trying to push Kuro off so he can rip apart the waitress.

However, these actions ceased when the Alpha Male of the joint came ripping and roaring through the place. It seemed this was not the first offense. Whatever happened afterwards went by a bit too fast for the brown-haired shinobi to follow. Kuro was still trying to quell Hibiki's temper, and thus tried his best to keep him constricted on the floor. There was just the sound of their small scuffle and pieces of the above conversation until an ear-shattering smack was heard again, and then once more before the Alpha Male's booming voice spoke again, saying Sango could keep her job.

The bar went back to their playful fits as Kuro let Hibiki sit back in his own chair, with the latter's sweatshirt being held by the transformed Ninsune. Apparently, Kyo took a small beating for them to obtain information about the swords. It wasn't a plan Hibiki would have used, but it had worked. 'You might need a cigarette after that beating.' He murmured slyly before turning towards Sango. 'The Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, ever hear of them?' Hibiki asked, with a curious tone.

He didn't let her answer as he began to tell her a tidbit of backstory. 'They were a group of very powerful Shinobi that originated from Kirigakure and were said to own a very special set of swords.

These were passed down from generation to generation.' He paused, scanning her face for any sort of reaction. 'Kubikiribōchō, Samehada, Kabutowari, Kiba, Hiramekarei, Nuibari, and Shibuki. Any of those sound familiar? Or maybe heard someone talk about it before?' Goto Page:2.