Diablo 3 Best Way To Farm Ancients


Introduction to BountiesThere are three core activities in Adventure Mode, the gameplay mode where youwill spend the majority of your playtime: Bounties, Regular ('Nephalem') Rifts,and Greater Rifts. Unlike Normal and Greater Rifts,Bounties tone down randomization and take the relatively static nature of theCampaign map layout. Unlike the Campaign, it features no cinematics, scripteddialogue sequences or plot progression. You are free to take any waypoint inall five acts, and you are distributed a random set of tasks in differentlocations, marked by an exclamation point.


In general, bounties emphasize longdistance running and interaction with objects spread across a map; high mobilitybuilds are favored. There are six types of bounties:.

Kill a Unique Monster: This bounty assigns a Unique (purple name)Monster as the target, plus a number of enemies from the same zone (ranging from25 for small zones to 150 for large, open areas). The bounty target does notprevent other Unique Monsters from spawning in that area, so pay attention towhom you are killing. Kill an Act Boss: As the name implies, you will have to overcome oneof the Bosses from the selected act. Waypoints directly before bosses, whereapplicable, are disabled — you will need to run through the entire zonebefore getting to the Boss. Only one Boss can be actively engaged at a time(important for parties — you can coordinate the your progression so no oneis stuck outside a Boss door waiting for another's kill). Killing a boss yieldsthe more bountiful 'Diabolic Hoard' chest.

Complete an Event: This type of bounty encompasses tasks with objectinteraction. Scripted events (i.e. Activating catapults, uncovering urns),cursed shrines and chests fall into this category. Note that losing a bonusreward (in a timed event, for example) will have no adverse effect on bountycompletion. Dungeon Clearing: This type of bounty can only occur in smallerdungeons and requires that you kill all enemies present on the level.

In amulti-tiered dungeon, it will always be the last level. With 15 or less enemiesremaining, the map will helpfully highlight the last targets. Exploration: These bounties require the exploration of a large, openmap area and freeing imprisoned friendly NPCs. They are always surrounded by agroup of enemies specific to the bounty and tileset.

Cursed Grounds: This bounty points you to one of the larger maps,making you search for a red portal. Through it is always a tiny, closed-offdungeon area with a timed task to complete.Completion of bounties bring in a reasonable number of regular craftingmaterials (Reusable Parts, Arcane Dust, Veiled Crystals, Gems) and Blood Shards,but not to an extent that will make them preferable over Normal Rifts strictlyfor that purpose. Legendary and set item drops can also occur naturally fromslaying monsters, elites and bosses; the chance for such loot drops scales withdifficulty, but at a lower rate than doing Rifts (making bounties inferior forfarming regular legendaries and sets). For the sake of information, the bonus tolegendary drop chance inside bounties scales as such:. No bonus on Normal to Master;. 15% on Torment I;.

Diablo 3 Best Way To Farm Ancients In The Bible

32% on Torment II;. 52% on Torment III;. 75% on Torment IV;.

101% on Torment V;. 131% on Torment VI;. 164% on Torment VII;. 205% on Torment VIII;. 256% on Torment IX;.

320% on Torment X;. 400% on Torment XI;.

500% on Torment XII;. 625% on Torment XIII.The real reason to run bounties are the exclusive legendary materials andlegendary items that drop from the Horadric Caches, given at the full completionof an Act's bounties. Bounty-specific Legendary MaterialsThe legendary materials are,. They are only obtainable from their respective act'sCache. The number of legendary materials that you obtain from caches scales withdifficulty:. 3 from Normal to Master;. 6 from Torment I to Torment VI;.

8 from Torment VII to Torment IX;. 10 from Torment X;. 12 from Torment XI;. 14 from Torment XII;. 16 from Torment XIII.These legendary materials are incredibly important at all stages of characterprogression, due to the fact that they are used for crafting legendary armor(i.e. Sage's Set or ) and, more importantly, Kanai's Cuberecipes.

The extraction of a legendary power via the Archive of Tal Rasha cuberecipe — a vital power spike for any build, especially early on incharacter progression — requires one legendary material of each type.Reforging a chosen legendary with completely new stats via the Law of Kulle cuberecipe requires five of each, and is crucial for endgame characteroptimization. Bounty-specific Legendary ItemsBounty Caches also have a set of exclusive legendary items that will neverdrop from Regular or Greater Rifts, and cannot be crafted. An observant eye would catch that there is no mention of Act IV cachelegendaries. That is because Act IV caches instead drop a random legendary fromall the other acts. If your goal is a specific cache legendary, Act IV is nevera good choice to run over its native act. How to do Bounties EfficientlyYou will constantly see bounties referred to as 'split bounties', for a goodreason. 'Split bounties' means that a four player group is formed, and eachplayer sets off to do an act's bounties on his own.

Thus, you need to be preparedto handle monsters meant for four players by yourself — do not joindifficulties you do not comfortably overpower. Do not join players on theirbounties — there is little chance you will speed up the bounty in a meaningfulway (an exception can be made, of course, once 1-2 bounties are left globally).Players usually take acts 1-4 on their own, and work on the separate act 5bounties together (since they are relatively longer and harder). That is not ahard rule, however, and no one will stop you from taking act 5 on your own (itwill probably be appreciated, in fact.)Make it clear when organizing a group whether you intend to clear only one actover and over (for a specific cache legendary) or all five (for legendarymats).Try to waste as little of the group's time as possible, especially at theend of a run. Save the opening of the caches and a minor reroll/change you areplanning for the start of a next run, and leave the game with complete bounties.This allows an organized group to immediately start the next run. This way evenif one needs a little longer to pick up his cache loot, do a quick gamble orone-two rerolls, the others can continue with the next set of bounties. Do notstart a long rerolling, build remaking or cube reforging session if you areplaying in a bounty group — this is very discourteous since the other threeplayers are picking up your slack.It is considered good manners to announce rarer goblins — Blood Thief(purple), Gelatinous Sire (large and bright blue) and Menagerist (pale with ablue cap) and allow a few seconds for a player to teleport to you before engagingit, especially if he announced '+' in chat.

The value of your announcement isbigger at the start of a Season, and diminishes as it goes on (to a point wherepeople will type '-' to indicate they do not care.) The advice above is alsoapplicable to portals to the Goblin's Vault, which can spawn from any goblinkill in bounties. Recommended Builds for BountiesBounty builds heavily favor mobility, and also benefit if they are not relianton procs (such as for cooldowns), although that is less of anecessity. The list below is not exhaustive, but provides a good example of astrong bounty build for every class:. Barbarian:;. Crusader:;. Demon Hunter:;.

Monk:;. Necromancer:;. Witch Doctor:;. Wizard:.6. Changelog.

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