God Of War Black Rune

  1. God Of War Pc
  2. God Of War Tyr's Vault Rune Chest

Legendary Chest Location: In fact, as you head down to the Witch’s Cave, head to the right of the well to where the Cipher Chest was to find Hel’s Wind, and grab it. Take it to a receptacle to the left of the bridge to the Witch’s House, then down below to the lone platform in the middle of the lower cave area. Cross to the other side of the cave to place the wind on an upper platform above some Hel Bramble. Then destroy the bramble and move the giant pallet of stones to the middle so you can grab the Winds of Hel and jump across to the other side and place it in a stone vault. This will reveal a Legendary Chest holding the Rampage of the Furies - a new Light Runic Attack for your Blades of Chaos.

Idunn Apple Location: Return back up the well out of the Witch’s Cave to where the turtle resides, and look at the giant arch you summoned using the sand bowl. The right side of the arch has Winds of Hel on it, and you can transfer it to the left side of the arch. Now head up the chain to the high ridge above where you spotted the runes for the sand bowl, and grab the Winds before turning and running down the path and placing them below a rune mechanism for a moment. Then taking them the rest of the way to a receptacle behind the Nornir Chest to activate it - revealing three “B” symbols rotated around.

You'll need to make sure the top of the spinning mechanism above the Winds of Hel receptacle has the 'B' looking rune, the one below it has the '^^' looking rune. Then leave the winds in the final rune receptacle until it cycles to the backwards 'B' looking rune before taking the Winds to the chest to open it.Take the lift back down to the water to find a boat washed ashore behind the lift.

After a scene of certain revelations, you’ll be free to head back to the Shore of Nine. At this point, with by your side and most of the Mystic Gateways active, you’ll be able to fully explore many areas, and revisit old locations to bypass puzzles that stopped you before. You can also return to with your son to grab the last few collectibles that you couldn’t get earlier - but fair warning, enemies will reappear along the road to Hel that are much tougher than when you were there last. Should you brave the path anyway, you can have Atreus break a Shatter Crystal on the first tall bridge back in to find one of, a Hacksilver Chest, and a Coffin with an Enchantment.Down on the floor below, another small wall of red sap can be exploded to reach a Legendary Chest that holds The Charm of Infinite Storms - an Epic Talisman. Head to the farther tall bridge to find one last Shatter Crystal to break that leads to a Hidden Chamber of, hiding two Family Heirloom, two of and an imprisoned Valkyrie.Use the Sand Bowl to Reach Tyr’s Vault When you are ready to continue, head back to Tyr’s Vault at the bottom of the temple and finish what you started. After Atreus reads the riddle, look along the wall to find the answer, and the solution will cause the floor to descend.As the elevator goes down, be sure to take a look at and enjoy all the murals and inscriptions of Tyr - and his apparent travels to other civilizations.When the lift finally hits the bottom, head down the path past the roots of the World Tree into an ominous hallway leading to a very large chamber. LoadingVideo Guide (Part 32)Once back in the central room - prepare for a sizeable fight with Draugr pouring out from every crevice to do battle with you.

It’s worth noting that the fiery-blooded Draugr aren’t as susceptible to the Blades of Chaos as the icy Reavers are, so swap to your axe and fists if you want (or continue to use the Blades as a crowd control weapon).After taking out the invading undead, grab the Winds of Hel from the second revolving ring and carry it back to the room you just opened with the scarab. Watch out as Nightmares appear to try and distract you - place the Winds of Hel in the receptacle then latch onto the Nightmare to toss them aside. Idunn Apple Location: Down the hall opposite from the main vault room are two alternating spiky blocks moving horizontally into the wall. You can freeze the second one and dodge past the first to find a Nornir Chest at the end of hall.

Turn around and look at the active spike block to find the “C” looking rune on this side when it extends. Head back into the previous room and look along the shelves to the left of the hall of spinning saw blades to find the “R” looking rune. Finally, head into the new hall across from the wheel mechanism where spiky blocks slam down from above to spot the “N” looking run up on the right side of the first block. Return to the unlocked Rune Chest to collect another of the Idunn Apples.Head into the hallway across from the wheel mechanism to where three spiky blocks smash down from above.

While Atreus climbs into a tunnel, freeze the first block with your axe and watch the second and third blocks alternate.Since the second one slams down before the last raises, you can’t wait under it, so instead look for a passage to the left of the second and third spiky blocks to hide until it’s safe to dart past into the next chamber.This chamber includes another receptacle for the Winds of Hel - as well as a giant mural for the wolves Skol and Hati that chase the sun and moon. Look for an exit back into the vault - but note that the final Winds of Hel don’t rotate downwards to a place where you can grab them.

God Of War Pc

Instead, look to the right of the vault exit to find a section of cracked wall you can climb up to an upper balcony.Up here, several Power Weapon Draugr will appear flanked by Nightmares - as long as you take the Nightmares out first (or yank them and throw them at the Draugr), you can then rush and take out the Draugr, or kick them off the balcony for an easy kill. Lore Location: While you’re up on the balcony, look around for some runes along the wall for Atreus to translate the Rune Reads as a Rune Vault Clue: “Thought is faster than wind”.Knowing this, it becomes apparent that simply grabbing the Winds of Hell from the inner ring and making your way down to the lower floor won’t give you enough time to sprint across to the receptacle. You’ll need to find a place to store the Winds while you move to the lower level.Thankfully, that place should be just below the active Winds: the unpowered outer ring. Place the Winds of Hel in the outer ring after taking it from the inner ring, then climb back down using the chain.Now you should be able to nab the Winds of Hel and race back into the nearby chamber to place it on the receptacle.Now you can use the final wheel mechanism to lower the vault down - and deal with a devious trap.Escape the Trap In a clever trap, will be pinned to the wheel mechanism, while Atreus must figure out how to align the mural of Skol and Hati.

The gold wolf eats the sun, and the silver wolf eats the moon, and - the green earth - should be between them. There are three levers to pull - the ones on the side lower the icon above them, while the middle lever moves all the objects along to one side.First, pull the right lever to lower the green symbol down, then the middle lever to push the sun and moon left, positioning the sun over the left lever.Pull the left lever next to store the moon, and then pull the middle lever to send the sun all the way to the right.

God Of War Tyr's Vault Rune Chest

Now you can pull the right and left levers to bring back the moon on the left side and the green icon in the middle, and complete the puzzle.You won’t be out of the fire just yet - when prompted, have Atreus use his knife to stop the wheel mechanism, and you’ll be out of the trap, but at a certain cost.Defeat the Grendel of the Ashes and Grendel of the Frost As you unlock the Black Rune and learn its secrets, two guardians will awake to do battle. These foes look like Trolls in that they use a giant pillar to fight with - and it stands to reason that they can also be countered like a Troll. Have Atreus aim for their faces or throw your axe to stun it then get in close.Be wary though, as they are a lot more mobile than Trolls, and can rush great distances to lunge with their and slam down with unblockable attacks, or sweep them to the side in several spins that you’ll need to dodge twice or more - or be ready to block.They may also swing their weapon around to slam down and create stone pillars that can hurt or blind you.

ByGuides WriterAdditional contributions byThe Black Rune sees Kratos and Atreus venturing into the Tyr’s Vault area of God of War, where they’ll have to solve several complex puzzles in order to recover the special rune. In this God of War Black Rune walkthrough, we’ll be giving you all the Tyr’s Vault puzzle solutions in order to for you to speed through this complex section the game as quickly as possible.If you needed anything else to do with the new God of War revival, including a complete walkthrough of all the story events leading up to the new game, as well as a full combat guide including combos and controls, make sure to head over to our full.

God of War The Black Rune WalkthroughKratos and Atreus will kick off The Black Rune after they’ve departed from the Witch’s house, and make their way downriver using the boat moored at the dock. After a difficult conversation with Atreus, Kratos will arrive at Tyr’s Temple in the middle of the lake area, and head through the door on the same water level as the dock to reach a sand pedestal. Descend on the platform, and you’ll reach Tyr’s Vault, where the real challenge of this quest begins. God of War Tyr’s Vault Puzzle WalkthroughTo start with, use the Blades of Chaos to grab the Winds of Hel energy from the outermost ring in the middle of the area, and then head down the open corridor at the back, using the Blades of Chaos to transfer the energy source.This will unlock a wheel, which you can turn to open up the gateway on your right.

Head through, and you’ll find yourself staring down a deathtrap with plenty of spinning blades. Timing is everything here, as you’ll have to use the Leviathan Axe to freeze the spinning discs, throwing them out of sync and allowing Kratos to pass through once they’ve moved apart for you.There’ll be a short cut scene in this next area, and afterwards you can head through the gate on your left and back to the main area, where you’ll need to deal with Nightmares and Draugr alike.

Once you’re done with the fight, look for a corridor leading out of the area with a wheel in it. Turn left when you reach the wheel, and you’ll find yourself facing some all new deathtraps.Throw your Leviathan Axe to turn the plates on their side, and Kratos can pass safely through the area, reaching a chest that contains Solid Svartalheim Steel. Now return all the way back to the main area of Tyr’s Vault, and you’ll have to draw out the Winds of Hel energy from the middle ring with the Blades of Chaos, carrying it into another corridor to make another wheel appear.Now head down the corridor towards the death traps straight ahead of you, where you’ll need to freeze the block of spikes furthest away from you when possible. Now you’ll have a gap when the nearest block of spikes recedes, to run forward and into the new area ahead of you.You’ll find a new Nornir chest in this section, and the first thing you’ll want to do is turn right around, and face down the corridor with the spike blocks that you just entered from.


The first of three seal jars can be found lodged in the back of the spike block furthest away from you, so you’ll have to time your axe throw perfectly if you want to smash it.The next seal jar can actually be found at the back of this corridor, high in the wall near the ceiling, and for the final seal jar you’ll need to come out of the corridor and into the area with the wheel, turning left to see it along the wall. Now head through the block spike trap all the way back to the Nornir chest, and you can open it in order to obtain an Idunn Apple item, which can increase your maximum health for every three that you find.Now you’ll need to return back to the room with the wheel, and head into the deathtraps ahead of you.

You need to freeze the first block, and then release it so that it stays in time with the block behind it, leaving you a window of opportunity to run through all the traps in one go.Open up the gate that leads back to the main area, and you’ll need to climb up the crack in the wall, near the corridor that leads out of Tyr’s Temple and back to the lake. Climb all the way up to the ledge above, and then head along until you can drop the chain down to the ground below.You’ll now need to grab the Winds of Hel energy from the innermost ring while on the high ledge, and transfer it the orb on the outermost ring.

Now drop down the chain to the ground below, and you can easily grab the Winds of Hel energy from the outermost ring, using it in the final corridor to expose the last wheel.Now use the final wheel, and Kratos will be placed in a life and death scenario, where only Atreus can rescue him from this trap. God of War Tyr’s VaultIn order to beat this trap and make it out alive, you’ll need to correctly align the three symbols on the wall by ordering Atreus to pull the correct levers. The correct order, from left to right is the Moon on the left, Midgard in the middle, and the Sun on the right. Follow our guide to Tyr's Vault in God of War and you'll solve this puzzle in no time. God of War Tyr’s Vault Trap SolutionFirstly, you’ll need to get Atreus to pull the middle lever, causing the signs to move over to the left, and then the bar on the left, causing the Moon to lower down into the slot.

Now pull the middle to get the two objects to move over to the right, and then pull the right object to move the Sun downwards.Atreus can now pull the left lever to raise the Moon up, and then the middle lever to move both Midgard and the Moon along to the left. Now pull the right lever to raise the Sun back up, and then pull the middle lever to move all three objects together, completing the trap puzzle.All you need to do now is complete the next quick time event, and then head back into the middle section of Tyr’s Vault. Now, you’re into a boss fight to wrap up the level, so head over to, for a complete walkthrough of taking down both bosses. We've also got guides to find all.