Mafia 1 Vs Mafia 2

4129d ago (Edited 4129d ago )Yes I will sum up both very quicklyGTA3: Superb (underrated) story, Great graphics, Superb gameplay.Mafia: Superb Story, Superb graphics, Great gameplayIt's all about where your loyalties lay, because they are both great games in terms of their predecessors, we will just have to wait and see if one of them pull ahead in an unexpected area.P.S GTA III, although humorous was a fantastic story. Unimaginably well written and directed. People just don't realise because they don't follow the story, which is what Mafia forced you to do (there wasn't any fun stuff to do outside of the story), which in Mafia's case isn't a bad thing. It lead the story through.

  1. Mafia 1 Vs Mafia 2 Pc

GTA stuttered and it paid the price because it's story was equally as good as Mafia's, but they let people go off on tangents and lose the story.GTA's next two installments were however lackluster. And got chronologically worse, so lets hope GTA 4 brings something fresh and that Mafia builds upon what it's got. 4129d agoHere we go again.


The atypical review score zombie trying to sound informed and profound because he looked at a NUMBER.Well tell us, Mr. Enlightened all-knowing gamer, what does that 88 tell you? What's the main characters name? What platforms are the game on? Gameplay mechanics? Run-time engine features?I'm glad that you can accurately gauge all of these factors from an arbitrary score hounds are really something.

You think those nondescript numbers can tell you all you need to know. 4129d agoThere is no such thing as a game that is 'about graphics'.I'm getting sick of that excuse used as a crutch to give R. a free pass for mediocrity in the visual department.EVERY game is about gameplay, we all know that, so go preach to some other choir. EVERY game is about gameplay, hence the namesake GAME.

Therefore, this ridiculous, pretentious little crutch that GTA has somehow discovered this 'gameplay' thing that all other GAMES lack is not an excuse for average graphics. Nobody said the game will suck because of the graphics, people are simply saying that the graphics fail to impress. Big deal, excuses aren't necessary.I hear people say this all the time 'GTA is about gameplay, not graphics' as if it's some profound revelation that they just discovered while the rest of us unenlightened, common-folk gamers have had on horse blinders.THERE IS NO SUCH THING as a game about graphics. You know what that would be? A comic book, a movie, a slideshow.

4129d agoI saw the Mafia pics frm a few days ago, and Im considering buying it. I love the setting,and the era and cars etc. Like the Godfather game,loved that,and I never saw that as a GTA clone. Also, Saints Row2, that I see as a more 'immature' approach in comparison to GTA4, but I'l prolly pick it up,soo for me, it doesnt matter which screens look best, I'll buy it based on gameplay alone.but of the 3 games,even though GTA might not always look the part of next gen,the gameplay mechanics are next gen.

Mafia 1 Vs Mafia 2 Pc

I mean, things like resisting arrests, switching cars in a parking garage to lower heat etc. GTA4 seems to me to be a more complexly designed game.

4129d agoall u xbots get is a couple of extra missions, its not like the ps3 version your not able 2 steel cars and kill people, i read that the ps3 will get dlc 2. Mafia 2 will look better and hav a more realistic feel 2 it but gtaiv, well its GTAIV people, even if the game was the worst in the world itll still go 2 no1 best seller in every shop and internet site, the games gonna total ROCK!!! Although wid the xbox u can listen 2 your own music, id luv to listen 2 'angel of death by SLAYER' whilst runnin around kill all those innocent pedestrians, QUALITY. 4129d agoLOL, what a load of crap! Where did you read that you can only steal cars and kill people in the PS3 version? The game is called Grand Theft Auto for a reason!In the article that your hyperlink leads to, it says the PS3 will get DLC.

However, at the end of the second paragraph it says'All other downloadable content released will be available through the PLAYSTATION Store as well.' This implies that the 360 will get everything the PS3 is getting, plus the exclusive content made in their deal with Rockstar.It's funny how all of the PS3 fanboys brush off the extra content that's exclusive to the 360 as no big deal.

YOU KNOW that if it were the other way around that you guys would be rubbing it in the faces of 360 fans. 4129d agoI don't see the point of visually comparing GTA with ANY game. Since when has GTA EVER been about the graphics?Visually, I think it was only meant to be seen as a next generation GTA game. Not a benchmark of next gen graphics.A more worthy comparison (even better than those retarded PS3 / X360 comparisons) would be to compare CoD4 with some of the newer, similarly themed war shooters.

Even the Japanese Pro Yakyuu Spirits 4 vs. MLB 08 would be a more worthy comparison (if you haven't seen, MLB looks like a PS2 game when I play it after Pro Yakyuu).But please, leave GTA alone.