Star Wars Republic Commando Walkthrough

  1. Star Wars Republic Commando Walkthrough Part 1 No Commentary

Well to find the Cheats for any game just type it inGoogle,buthere is all of the cheats for PCGhostFly and Walk through everythingloadedAll explosives, fullammo, and almost all of the secondary weapons appear belowyou.Flygives you the ability to flySlomo #Where # is put a numberto spped up or slow down the gamePlayersOnlyFreezes everything butyouTheMatulaakLivesGod modeFierfekammo cheatDarmannextlevel?Lamasu?WalkOpposite of the 'Fly' cheat, brings you back togroundInvisible #Makes you invisible. 1 for on, 0 for offBehindview#3rd Person, 1 for on, 0 for offDeafEnemies #Enemies go deaf. 1 foron, 0 for offBlindEnemies #Enemies blind.


1 for on, 0 foroffSmiteEvilDestroys all enemies in screenHOGKills whatever yourreticle points toTeleportTeleports to reticleSetJumpz #Sets howhigh you jumpSetGravity #Sets GravitySetSpeed #Sets game speed.Same as slowmo?Stat FPSShow FPSStat GameShows gamestatsKillPawnsKill other members of DeltaSquadSuicideSuicideViewBotCycle thru botsViewSelfReturn to your ownbodyLockCameraLocks the cameraFreezeFrame #Freezes after #secondsChangesize #Scale player sizeAllWeaponsAllweaponsreviverevives yourself.

Walkthrough - GeonosisOK, 38 is the leader, 40 is the smart guy, 07is the tough guy, and 62 is the quiet religious guy who eventually goesnuts.Extreme PrejudiceFeel free to ignore the advisor's 'advice' and walk around the landingzone to get used to the controls. If you haven't played first person shootersbefore, manage your controls now.

Bad controls in moving and shootingwill get you killed in battle. This applies more on Normal and Hard,when a single warhead explosion will kill an unshielded commando.IGN recommends having the tactical view turned on or off and to leaveit off cycling (which is default).

Tactical mode only highlights DeltaSquad members, which usually doesn't do much except to tell you where theyare. Since no other enemy looks like Boba Fett, you can be sure that ifyou spot a Boba Fett wandering around the stage, your buddies are around.Disabling tactical mode will let you access the low-light mode faster onthe Xbox.

Star Wars Republic Commando Walkthrough Part 1 No Commentary

PC users do not need to concern themselves with this option.Both PC and Xbox gamers will want to turn off 'Auto-Pull Manuever' (thedefault is set to 'yes'). Auto-pull means if a player moves far enoughaway from a squadmate, the squadmate will cancel whatever order(s) he wasdoing and attempt to follow you. This may help low-end PC users with framerate, but will crimp your playing style. For example - you find a turretor a spot to do anti-armor. You order a commando to that turret or spotand leave your squad nearby to ambush enemies. You run ahead intendingto lure the enemy SBDs back to your ambush but instead find your squadcancelling orders and following you to the SBDs. Two minutes later, youare all dead.

Get our point? Auto-pull off.(ABOVE LEfT) The bacta unit is visible inthe distance. Remember how they look since they let your live to see thefall of the Republic.(ABOVE RIGHT) Ammunition and detonators are stored oncargo sleds like this; you can usually spot them from a distance, but notalways.Grab the bacta as instructed and follow the canyon path to the nextobjective marker. When you have trouble finding an objective, locate theobjective marker on your HUD and any markers given to you by the advisor.Additionally, objectives can be displayed on the top of the visor HUD soto remind you of what to do next.(ABOVE LEFT) Move to the crashed dropshipand kill enemies.(ABOVE RIGHT) Locate the tunnel after the path is clearedand the crash site is secured.Locate the spire tunnel after the site is secured.

Play around withthe DC-17 blaster and the pistol. You will have limited ammo for the former,but unlimited ammo for the latter.

Both are acceptable for killing thebattledroids for now. Remember the bacta station at the beginning? If youare low on health (for some reason), head back there and heal up. You'realso free to save/load the game at any time.(ABOVE LEFT) The hatch is highlighted in'kill me red'.(ABOVE RIGHT) BOOOOM. This opens a path to the next areaas well.Head past the tunnels and the advisor orders you to destroy the Geonosianturret with thermal detonators.

Locate the ammo pallet, grab the detonatorsand amble over to the gun turret's rear. The hatch is open on the top,so 'bounce' the detonator off the open hatch much you would a basketballon a back-board. You might want to stand back as well.(ABOVE LEFT)(ABOVE RIGHT)Heading into the next area will result in meeting with #1262, the firstof your subordinates. #62 is pretty much the same as #38 (you're clones)in terms of ability, so use him as you would any other piece of cannonfodder.

Order him to place a det-pack on the obstacle (or attempt it yourselfif you prefer) and then detonate the pack when it is ready to move on.(ABOVE LEFT) Hang back and let the advisor'sgunship blast the heavy spider droid. If you foolishly fire on it, it mightfire back and kill you.(ABOVE RIGHT) The double set of flashing arrows meanthat you are near a map junction. This may not necessarily be a new stage.Notice the timer on the context action point? That's how muchtime you need to successfully complete the manuever.

The timer cannot besped up, so make sure you have the area relatively clear when you attempta lengthy action. Anything requiring more then ten seconds should be considered'lengthy'.

Star Wars Republic Commando Walkthrough

Reach the spire entrance to transition to the next map.(ABOVE LEFT) Interior fighting is no differntfrom exterior fighting. There's just more clutter to get in the way.(ABOVE RIGHT) Birght explosive containers are usuallyeasily seen.

Blast them with the pistol to kill enemies without using ammo.Proceed through the spire's lower level until you meet with #1140. Like#38, #40 is from the same 'batch' of clones, so their thinking is fairlysimilar. However, like #62, #40 is very expendable.


Just note that #62will be prioritised for explosive tasks, #40 for hacking, and #07 (lateron) for sniping, not that it makes any difference. With two subordinates,Delta Squad has a greater chance for survival since any one squad membercan revive the others if they are incapacitated.(ABOVE LEFT) Geonosian fighters. Blowthem up before they can be used by setting some choice det-packs.(ABOVE RIGHT) You can have #62 and #40 cover you whenyou set the charge by having them 'follow the leader'.Notice that with the addition of a second subordinate, you can inflictserious damage on a single target (like an SBD) if you click on the enemyso everyone concentrates fire on it (including you).

Your allies have infiniteammo, so you may want to hang back and protect them; you can also revivethem yourself if they are incapacitiated. There is a bacta tank in thehangar bay. Follow the advisor's orders and set a det-pack on the markerthen blowing it up. This should get rid of the fighters and clear the wayto the next area. Be sure to look for the bacta station in the hangar andtank up before moving on.(ABOVE LEFT) Low-light vision will be neededin dark areas. Watch for droids.(ABOVE RIGHT) Be on the look out for white markers onthe HUD.

Your context commands rely heavily on available action points.The dark area is short - hit low-light mode and run to the left sideto avoid the droids. Delta Squad pops out near the spire's uppor floorand near a window they can rappel down to.

Doing so will end thismap.(ABOVE LEFT) Shooting the glass will alertthe Geonosians, but rush the room and kill everything.(ABOVE RIGHT) Only #1207 has the sniper rifle at thispoint; order him to the snipe point at the window to meet the objective.Meet #1207 at the start of the new map. Order the squad to take offensiveformation and blast the glass. Enter the briefing room and get ready foryour first Super Battle Droid. Chances are up till now, you may not havedied (even on Hard). However, the SBD will change all that. While the SBDis five times tougher than a normal battledroid, its heavy blaster armhas a 'Mega Buster' shot that acts pretty much like a rocket launcher -if the shot lands on target, you turn into bloody chunks that even Jawatraders can't sell to a Hutt crime lord interested in fresh meat.You barely spot the shot coming, although the SBD will kneel beforeit mounts the big blast attack.

Its normal shots also do significant damageon hard, so you will need to duck behind cover and attack them using detonatorsand concentrated squad firepower. If you think one SBD is toughto take down on your current difficulty, you may want to reduce the difficultysetting by one step in your options screen; later stages have you facingoff against five or six SBDs at once.Head into the spire's control room and the advisor tells the squad aboutthe impending escape of Sun Fak. Order #07 to the sniping point post hasteand he will destroy the fighter with his sniper rifle. This effectivelyends the current mission's objectives, although Delta Squad will need toreach the lift they passed by earlier to get to the next stage. Do so anddon't feel you need to conserve ammo or health.

Once you reach the nextstage, you can access it through the campaign menu and start on it withfull health and ammo for all the weapons you're supposed to have (exceptthe optional non-commando weapon).Infiltrate the Droid FoundryThe advisor will notify Delta Squad of the sniper attachment for theDC-17. It's at the bridge near the beginning of the area, marked on theHUD, so you can't miss it. Press action/use to pick it up. The sniper attachmentonly has 20 shots (in four magazines) so you really need to pick and choosethe fights you employ this weapon on. Luckily the other clone commandoesdo not have ammo limits, so you can simply have them set up sniping positionsand have them fire all day without running out of ammo.

Save sniper ammofor when #38 is alone and needs to help the squad survive a tough fight.(ABOVE LEFT) The sniper attachment is thefirst thing to grab at the left side of the bridge.(ABOVE RIGHT) The large cavern is designed to be snipedat, but you can simply ignore it and run away - hug the left wayy andhead downstairs if you do choose to flee.In the large cavern where Delta Squad unwisely states some sniper actionis nice here, ignore them and have them follow to the exit. Hug the leftwall and head down the ramp.