Warframe Mods Worth Selling


Mods List requires updating due to minor TWW patch changes; 'Attributes' image needs update as Conclave Rating no longer existsPreceded bysinceModules (version 2.0) or in short, Mods are essentially the upgrade system in in the form of special cards that can be equipped to, and to enhance, power, survivability, speed, and utility. Mods can grant Passive Powers, Active Powers, Sentinel Precepts, and Utilities.

Mods can be changed between items. There are around 986 mods existing in the game excluding. Contents. Almost all enemies have a chance of dropping a mod. Mods have 9 attributes: (place on card).

Warframe Mods Worth Selling

Warframe Mods Worth Selling Free

Warframe mod list

Mod Name: The name of the mod. Capacity Drain & Polarity: The point cost that the mod will drain and the polarity of the mod. Mod Rank: The upgrade level of the mod. (The black hexagon above appears when the Mod is active/used in a build.).

Mod Compatibility: What the mod can be equipped on. Conclave Rating: value of the mod, used in PvP. (outdated). Stack/Duplicate Count: How many of that mod you have of that mod rank. Aura/Stance Indicator: Symbol denotes if the mod is used for an or. Number Of Duplicates Selected: used when telling the user how many of that mod are being used in or for selling. Rarity: Denotes the rarity and general power of a mod by the card's material and an increasing number of pips at the top:Smoke - Peculiar♦ Bronze - Common♦♦ Silver - Uncommon♦♦♦ Gold - Rare♦♦♦♦ Platinum - Legendary♦♦♦♦♦ Crystal - Riven.

TypeMods can only be attached to their indicated type of item. They may be generally applicable to weapons, Warframes, or companions (i.e. “Warframe Mod”) or specific to their respective class (i.e. “Trinity Mod”). The type is listed in the bottom right of the description of the mod.Mod RarityMods vary in 6 ranks of rarity as indicated by the border color and number of diamonds at the top.Peculiar♦Common♦♦Uncommon♦♦♦Rare♦♦♦♦Legendary♦♦♦♦♦RivenMod CapacityWarframes, companions, and weapons have a limited capacity for Mods equal to their Rank (Max 30). Warframes/Companions and Weapons can be supercharged with an or respectively, which doubles the available Mod capacity up to a max of 60.

Mod Capacity functions as a limit to what mods can be equipped depending on their drain. Mods can have a drain of 0 to as high as 20 depending on the mod and what rank it is.

Items also have a minimum mod capacity, which adds mod points onto items which are a lower rank than a players current. The amount of minimum mod capacity is equal to the player's mastery rank.The amount of mod slots an item will have depends on what type it is:. Companions have 10 mod slots. Speedconnect internet accelerator 8 0 with activator. Warframes have 8 standard mod slots, an Exilus mod slot, and an aura mod slot.

Melee weapons have 8 standard mod slots and a stance mod slot. Every other weapon has 8 mod slotsmods for Warframes increase Mod Capacity rather than drain it. This can be from an additional 1 to 18 Mod Capacity. Mods for melee weapons do the same.When Cold based mods like increased their mod drain to 11, up from 9, builds who had those mods equipped and had 0 remaining mod capacity will show a negative capacity, such as -1 as it flashes red. Players are allowed to keep these builds as is, but removing any of the mods will correct the issue and not allow the player to replace the mod again.Polarity Main article:Some slots are “polarized.” Each type of Polarization has a unique associated symbol.

Putting mods of the correct polarization into a polarized slot will lower the mod capacity used by 50%, rounded up. Conversely equipping mods of the different polarization into a polarized slot will increase mod capacity drain by a quarter of the starting cost of mod, rounded.Mod Rank Main article:Mods have levels ranging from 0 to as high as 10 (typically 3-5). When the level of a mod is greater than zero, it is indicated by blue stars on the bottom of the card.Each rank requires twice the mod energy than the previous rank to level up and leveling up from rank 0 to 1 sets the base amount of mod energy for this calculation.