Diablo 2 Uber Tristam

  1. Diablo 2 Uber Tristram
Uber diablo d2

Uber Bosses Character Strategiesby Bio.HazardPaladinsHammerdinDescription: Your average killer, great for getting the keys themselves. Also,great at killing enemies that are immune to all types of attacks. May die quitea bit without a powerful merc, or without several of them to have multipleauras. 9/10SmiterDescription: Does quite a bit of damage, while stunning the enemies at the sametime. Great to be used with life tap and high life leeches. Quite possibly theonly character that can kill all of the tristram bosses by itself. 10/10ZealerDescription: Can attack multiple amounts of physical damage, with attacking 5times, you can get a huge amount of life taps and leech lifes going to survivewhile dealing well into 10k's.

Diablo 2 uber tristram strategy

7/10NecromancerSummonerDescription: Great with fast connections only, although known as the 'lagomancers'they are also great as a party member because they can be great meat shields iftheir summons are strong enough to survive. 4/10BonermancerDescription: Can be used to deal good damage from a distance along with piercingtargets using bone spears. Can also be used to trap minion spawn points withseveral bone walls.

6/10SorceressBlizzard SorcDescription: A good member of any party, can contribute well with her impressivedamage and ability to freeze and slow all targets. Very good because of ColdMastery's ability to give -enemy cold resist. Weak against the high amounts ofcold immunities. 8/10Fire SorcDescription: A strong character in any party, the fire sorc. Can dish out highamounts of damage and can cover a great distance in area. Can alsoenchant other melee characters such as the zealer, smiter, and barbarian.

Weakagainst the high amounts of fire immunities. 7/10DruidWind DruidDescription: A good elemental absorb sheild. Good in parties without a blizzardsorc. To slow targets. Although cold is a common immunity throughout the 'finalquest' areas, it is good to bring along just for the Oak Sage (not that any ofyour summons will live).

Weak against any monsters that are immune to it, andwill be found to die often if not exersized with caution. 6/10AssassinTrapperDescription: Good to do high amounts of lightning damage to many targets.

Weakagainst lightning immunes and will be found to die quite often if found anywhereother than on the outskirts of the screen casting. 5/10AmazonBowazonDescription: Good at knockback if she has it.

Can usually stay alive due to highdodge/avoid/evade for pvp matches. Strafe can be used to attack multipletargets. Dealing physical damage, it can be strong, as long as she stays out ofthe chaos while shooting mad amounts of arrows.

Diablo 2 Uber Tristram

8/10BarbarianWhirlwind, concentration, frenzy. BarbarianDescription: Great at being a meat sheild. Tends to not die whatsoever whenusing high amounts of life leeches and life tap.

Diablo 2 sorceress uber tristram

Excellent party member bycasting Battle Orders, Shout, and Battle Cry. Can deal impressive amounts ofdamage.