Dental Floss As Sewing Thread

Dental floss as sewing thread size

If you do any other kinds of crafting with natural materials, you likely have the beeswax on hand already, meaning that your DIY waxed thread will be absolutely free, with no surplus packaging. Another bonus to making your own waxed thread is that you’re not bound by whatever is commercially available; you can wax a rainbow of embroidery flosses (as I’m doing in this tute), your favorite linen thread, or strands of yarn that you’ve spun yourself.In case you’re still not sold, I should mention that it takes seconds–seriously, seconds!–to make waxed thread. It takes longer than that to find what you want on Amazon and click on it, or to drive across town to the store and back.Here’s how to make it! You will need. If you have crumbles of beeswax or, here’s into smaller, known quantities that are far easier to handle–and they’re cute!Thread or floss of your choice. I’m using your bog standard embroidery floss from my stash for this project. Other great choices are linen threads, hemp twines, or heavyweight sewing thread.

Just remember that waxed thread is for hand-sewing only–do NOT put this in your sewing machine!1. Cut off a length of your selected thread. Since, I cut it to the appropriate lengths for the books that my kids and I want to make. If you’re hand-sewing, arms-length works, and for jewelry making, let your project guide you.2. Draw the thread across the solid beeswax. Draw the thread completely across the block of beeswax six or seven times, then pick up the other end of the thread and do the same in reverse.

Dental Floss As Sewing Thread Kit

FlossDental Floss As Sewing Thread

You will be able to feel the thread taking up the wax as you go.Several times in each direction should be plenty, but you can make the thread as heavy with wax as you’d like.See? Waxed thread is too easy NOT to DIY!Need some inspiration for what to actually DO with your waxed thread? Check out the following ideas:1. Bookbinding. Lightly-waxed embroidery floss is absolutely perfect for the that my kids and I love to make. For an even more eco-friendly project. You can use regular embroidery floss for this project, but waxed floss will hold the buttons in place better. You don’t have to use dental floss, but using a waxed thread will keep the cranberries, especially, from soaking through and rotting the thread. These are easy to make in any size, with any embellishments that you like. This is a great tutorial, and the close-up views of the waxed linen thread let you see exactly what YOUR waxed thread should look like.6. Sewing leather. Here’s a, and some good advice on choosing thread length when hand-sewing leather.P.S. Did you know that you can also wax yarn?

The result is not something that you would sew with, but instead, a that kids LOOOOOOOVE! I'm a writer, crafter, Zombie Preparedness Planner, and homeschooling momma of two kids who will hopefully someday transition into using their genius for good, not the evil machinations and mess-making in which they currently indulge. I'm interested in recycling and nature crafts, food security, STEM education, and the DIY lifestyle, however it's manifested-making myself some underwear out of T-shirts?

Teaching myself guitar? Doing it right now.Visit my blog for a peek at our very weird handmade homeschool life; my etsy shop for a truly odd number of rainbow-themed beeswax pretties; and my for links to articles about poverty, educational politics, and this famous cat who lives in my neighborhood.